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  • [] Eclipse Project Committers Emeritus, John Arthorne
  • [] Upcoming Reviews, Dec. 15-22/2010, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Upcoming Reviews, Dec. 8-15/2010, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Eclipse infra update: Bugzilla Upgrade, Hudson disk space demystified, Holiday Maintenance Schedule, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Upcoming Reviews: releases and terminations, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Upcoming reviews and other news, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Downloads reach 1 Terabyte, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Jubula Project Proposal, Wayne Beaton
  • [] EclipseCon 2011 Call for Participation, Chris Aniszczyk
  • Re: [] [] Upcoming reviews, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Building and Testing, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Upcoming Reviews and More, Wayne Beaton
  • [] New Build server, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Do you know anyone who wants to triage bugs they do not own?, David M Williams
  • [] Eclipse server infra update, Denis Roy
  • [] Introducing:, Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] Project Updates, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Committer Volunteers for JavaOne, Sep. 19-23, Lynn Gayowski
  • [] Unhappy mirror sites -- quick follow-up, Denis Roy
  • [] Unhappy mirror sites, and disk space, Denis Roy
  • [] Notice: Temporary bugzilla mail shutdown., Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] Committer Survey reminder, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Eclipse Committer Satisfaction Survey 2010, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Download stats for p2 and Helios, Denis Roy
  • [] Upcoming server maintenance, Denis Roy
  • [] Service downtime tonight., Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] server compromise, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Eclipse Infra update, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] More bandwidth!, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Google Summer of Code (GSOC) Ideas, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [] Infra update: new hardware donations!, Denis Roy
  • [] Eclipse Board Member Elections 2010, Boris Bokowski
  • [] Collaborating with you to make the Eclipse Development Process better, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Updating Project Websites and the new Nova default template, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [] The webmaster team is losing a player, Denis Roy
  • [] WPF Builds, John Arthorne
  • [] Declaration for the Virgo Project, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Update - Incorrect email bounces., Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] Eclipse Development Process update, Wayne Beaton
  • [] CVS pserver change Friday, Dec. 11, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] EclipseCon 2010 Call for Participation, Lynn Gayowski
  • [] Support for JUnit 4 in the Eclipse test framework, John Arthorne
  • [] New Project Proposal: Enterprise Modules (Gemini), Wayne Beaton
  • [] Team Project Set now on project page, Elias Volanakis
  • [] Follow-up: Major pserver CVS change soon, Denis Roy
  • [] Major pserver CVS change soon, Denis Roy
  • [] Infra news: CVS slow, Nightly builds on Amazon, git, Denis Roy
  • [] Project Declaration: Doc2Model, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Organize an Eclipse DemoCamps for the Fall Series, Lynn Gayowski
  • [] Introducing Community Forums, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Declaration for the B3 Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Bugzilla Flag for Helios, Kenn Hussey
  • [] Declaration for the PDT Incubator Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Bugzilla Upgrade status, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Maintenance status, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Bugzilla upgrade (LATER/REMIND going away), upcoming maintenance, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Eclipse downtime update, Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] Declaration for the EMF Feature Model Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] New Forum/newsgroup software: please update your newsgroup description., Denis Roy
  • [] Build shutdown reminder., Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] shutdown, Webmaster(Matt Ward)
  • [] Infra Upcoming, Denis Roy
  • [] Declarations for the EMF Tiger and EMF Refactor Projects, Anne Jacko
  • [] June craziness FAQ, Denis Roy
  • [] Galileo Release - IP Contribution Reviews, Janet Campbell
  • [] Declaration for the Pave Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the RAP Incubator Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the ComponentBee Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the EGit Project and Eclipse Project Reviews, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the D-Pack Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the Edapt Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the AMP Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Infra update: full speed ahead!, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Screen sharing & conference call account for committer use, Lynn Gayowski
  • [] Infra update: fixing servers, more disk space soon, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • Check your recent bugs (was: [] Infra update), David Green
  • [] Infra update, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] RE: Pharmacy Message 58946897,
  • [] Server maintenance, Sunday Feb 15 9:00am ET, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] File locking problem persists; SVN, PlanetEclipse affected, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Infrastructure update: Disk oddities, Bugzilla 3.2, more disk space, Eclipse Webmaster (Denis Roy)
  • [] Declaration for the EGF project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the Eclipse Financial Platform Project, Anne Jacko
  • [] Declaration for the Jetty Project, Anne Jacko

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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