Eclipse Foundation AISBL Board of Directors
Bryan Che Huawei Technologies Co., LTD.

Bryan Che is Chief Strategy Officer at Huawei. There, he leads Huawei’s vision and strategy across its overall businesses and portfolio, which spans mobile and consumer electronics, telecommunications, enterprise IT, and cloud.
Bryan has tremendous experience building new enterprise businesses and open source technologies. Prior to joining Huawei in China, Bryan spent over 15 years at Red Hat in the US, where he was the general manager of their cloud business and also led overall product strategy across the company. As an American expat employed in China who has traveled 3 million miles to over 40 countries, Bryan has worked extensively with many customers and partners around the world.
Bryan graduated with his Bachelors and Masters degrees in computer science from MIT.
Angelo Corsaro Contributing Member Representative

Angelo Corsaro, Ph.D. is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at ZettaScale Technology.
At ZettaScale he is working with a world-class team to change the landscape of distributed computing. Angelo and the ZettaScale team are working hard to bring to every connected human and machine the unconstrained freedom to communicate, compute, and store — anywhere, at any scale, efficiently and securely.
Angelo has been an active member and contributor in the Open Source community for three decades! He was the single-handed author of the first open source real-time Java compiler jRate. He has contributed the monad/functors Apero library to OCaml and implemented the real-time extensions to the TAO ORB in early 2000. Angelo single-handedly wrote SimD, an innovative OMG DDS C++ API that eventually was adopted as the new standard DDS mapping for C++. He has contributed a Scala API for DDS and a Scala library of distributed algorithms called Dada. In recent years, Angelo started, and still leads, the Eclipse Zenoh project. He co-wrote the first implementation in OCaml and heavily contributed to the early days of the Rust rewrite.
In addition, to the Open Source contributions, Angelo is recognised as a world's top expert in edge/fog computing and a well-known researcher in the area of high-performance and large-scale distributed systems. Angelo has over 100 publications in referred journals, conferences, workshops, and magazines. Angelo has co-authored over ten international standards.
Tim Deboer Red Hat, Inc.

Tim deBoer is a senior developer experience architect, currently working across several teams including Podman Desktop, Dev Spaces, and Red Hat's IDE extensions. Tim has over 25 years of experience building developer tools from IDEs to runtime CLIs, and is passionate about improving developer's lives through useful and usable tools.
Hendrik Ebbers Contributing Member Representative

James Eggleston European Space Agency

James Eggleston works for the European Space Agency, at the European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany. He is the Head of Data Systems Infrastructure Section in the Mission Operations Data Systems Division.
James’ section is responsible for the evolution and maintenance of Ground Data Systems infrastructure for Mission Operations, which includes software for Spacecraft Monitoring and Control, Mission Planning, Data Analytics and Distribution, Mission Simulation and Mission Preparation, as well as supporting the processes and tooling required to create and deliver the solutions for internal customers and ESA member states. The current tool stack involves the use of many open-source products, including Eclipse’s projects such as RCP, RAP, EMF, XText, Sirius, and others.
ESA shapes and develops the space capability of its Member States, necessarily demanding inclusion of new features and technologies – which can conflict with the mission desires of re-using a stable and flight proven infrastructure that is available for decades. The use of open-source solutions is a key enabler to ensure long term availability and great stability for the ESA systems.
John Ellis Codethink Ltd.
Wolfgang Gehring Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH

Dr. Wolfgang Gehring is an Ambassador for Open and Inner Source and has been working on enabling and spreading the idea within the Mercedes-Benz Group AG and its IT subsidiary Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation (MBTI). A software engineer by trade, Wolfgang’s goal is to help enable Mercedes-Benz to fully embrace FOSS and become a true Open Source company. He has a passion for communities, leads MBTI’s Open Source Program Office, and is a member of the Mercedes-Benz FOSS Center of Competence.
In his free time, Wolfgang likes to engage in conversations about soccer and is a passionate traveler and scuba diver. He calls Albert Einstein's birth city of Ulm his home in Southern Germany.
Sébastien Gérard CEA LIST

Sébastien Gérard is director of research at CEA and he is leading the LISE laboratory (Laboratory of Model Driven Engineering for Embedded Systems) at CEA LIST. Working on research issues related to complex and critical system and software design for more than 15 years, his research interests include correct-by-construction specification and design of complex systems, model-based engineering of complex systems, and visual modeling language engineering. He is the CEA representative at Object Management Group (OMG) for more than 15 years. In particular, he is the chair of the MARTE standardization task force. He is also leading the open source project, Papyrus, the UML modeling tools of Eclipse.
In 1995, he has a diploma in mechanics and aeronautics from the ENSMA high-school, in 2000 he obtained a PhD diploma in Computer Science from the Evry university and in 2013 he got his “habilitation à diriger des recherches” diploma in the domain of computer science from the Orsay Univiersity.
Robert Hilbrich Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

Etienne Juliot OBEO

Etienne Juliot is co-founder and vice president of Obeo, a software editor focused on Model Driven solutions. He is a senior software architect with a strong experience in IT and embedded systems architecture. He is involved in several Eclipse projects (Sirius, Acceleo, EMF Compare, SCA, UML Generators, Mylyn, ...) and is a steering committee member for PolarSys.
Finally, Etienne manages international and strategic collaborations with large companies on system engineering and enterprise architecture needs. Follow @ejuliot on Twitter.
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu Limited

Kenji Kazumura is Senior Professional Engineer at Fujitsu Limited in Japan. After more than five years experience of the compiler development he has been working with Java for the enterprise mission critical systems. Now he is in charge of Fujitsu middleware products such as Interstage Application Server.
He has a lot of experience to optimize the several huge enterprise applications, specifically in the field of mobile communication and financial service, in order to run with high performance and reliability. These systems contribute a great deal to the social infrastructures in Japan. He is also now working to make the cloud environment be more useful with the container and microservices architecture technologies.
Matthew Khouzam Committer Board Representative

Matthew Khouzam has been using Eclipse tools since the Callisto release and has been a committer on Eclipse projects for 10 years, with almost 5,000 reviews to his name. He is the product manager for Eclipse Theia, OpenVSX, Eclipse Trace Compass within Ericsson and co-lead for the Eclipse Trace Compass Incubator. Matthew is also co-lead of the project. He is a technology enthusiast, especially in the field of performance engineering. In the copious amounts of free time he has left, he is a husband, a father, and enjoys cooking, biking and woodworking. He is also a budding doodler and has been co-developing a game in his remaining spare time.
Matthew has worked in academia and industry, coordinating between large and small companies as well as university research labs.
Finally, he is a great big nerd. He will gladly broach any subject if the other side brings enthusiasm.
Shelley Lambert Committer Board Representative

Johannes Matheis Contributing Member Representative

Ed Merks Committer Board Representative

Andreas Nauerz Robert Bosch GmbH

Andreas has studied Computer Science and Law and holds a PhD in the former.
Today, he is a Member of the Board and CTO & EVP of Bosch Digital, which is Bosch's internal IT unit supporting the digitization of all of its business units with technical and digital services. In this role, he is responsible for Products and Innovations. Prior to his, he was first the VP and later the CEO & CTO of Bosch.IO, where he was leading a global interdisciplinary expert organization driving Bosch's (A)IoT strategy. In this role, he was responsible for the development of the Bosch's IoT Suite, forming the basis on which Bosch and its customers build IoT solutions incorporating Bosch's cross-domain industry know-how and connecting millions of sensors & devices. Andreas joined Bosch in 2019 at Corporate Research.
Before having joined Bosch, Andreas has been working for IBM's Cloud division, where he was a Program Director (OM) & Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM), primarily for IBM's serverless solution IBM Cloud Functions, where he was responsible for managing the product. He was one of the key faces behind Apache OpenWhisk & IBM Cloud Functions.
Overall, Andreas has hold various lead positions in the field of software architecture & development and acted as the head of multiple research groups. He is a recognized software architect and one of the experts in the fields of cloud & serverless computing as well as AI, ML, and IoT.
Tom Ritter Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Ian Robinson IBM

Dr. Ian Robinson is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO of IBM Application Platform, which includes IBM’s Java, Liberty and WebSphere technologies. He has more than 30 years’ experience working in distributed enterprise computing across product development, open standards, and open source. Ian is a steering committee member of the Jakarta EE WG and has IBM team members participating in numerous Eclipse runtime and tools projects including MicroProfile, Adoptium, OpenJ9, Equinox, OSGi and Eclipse JDT.
Matthias Sohn SAP SE

Matthias is a product owner and open source enthusiast. He leads the EGit and JGit projects and contributes to Gerrit Code Review. He also worked on Spark and Kafka and recently started contributing to Gardener ( enabling Kubernetes to manage Kubernetes clusters on a large scale. He is also a member of the Eclipse Architecture Council. Matthias works as a product owner for SAP Cloud Platform and leads its git team.
He holds a PhD and diploma degree in Experimental Physics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
Stephen Walli Microsoft Corp.

Stephen is a principal program manager working in the Azure team at Microsoft. Prior to that he was a Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Stephen has been a technical executive, a founder, a writer, a systems developer, a software construction geek, and a standards diplomat. He has worked in the IT industry since 1980 as both customer and vendor, working with open source for 25+ years. He blogs about open source and software business at "Once More unto the Breach",, and on Medium.
Jim Wright Oracle

James (Jim) Wright is a well-known software architect and attorney who has been working in and around open source for 20 years. Jim is the author of the Universal Permissive License and has been with Oracle since 2009, where he currently serves as Chief Architect, Open Source Policy, Strategy, Compliance, and Alliances.
Before his time at Oracle, Jim was in private practice at Sidley Austin, where he handled a wide variety of technology transactional matters as well as patent litigation. Jim is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and in the decade before starting legal practice, he worked in engineering and management capacities at a variety of different IT enterprises.
The Board of Directors of our Delaware-incorporated US organization can be found here.