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Re: [] Handling large files in Git repositories

You can also create a separate branch (or even a separate root) which contains the binaries - as long as you never merge the commits into the master branch clones won't pick it up. 

But the separate repository also guarantees that you never mix and match and can lead to better plans on future (eg orbit). 


Sent from my iPhone 4S

On 7 Sep 2012, at 11:19, Krzysztof Daniel <kdaniel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I think that currently SWT and Equinox have similar issues. Those
> projects have created separate repos for binaries to deal with that
> issue.
> However, in your case, I'd consider transforming inner jars into
> separate bundles and make them available in a local repository for
> development purposes. Eclipse Orbit project serves that purpose at
> Eclipse foundation.
> On Fri, 2012-09-07 at 12:02 +0200, Piotr Tomiak wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Handling large files is a known issue with Git. I would like to know, if 
>> there are any solutions developed by Eclipse community.
>> We are migrating our old CVS repositories to Git. We have some projects, 
>> in which we need to store large JAR files (~40MB) - we are shipping 
>> those files with plugins. We want to version those files (or at least 
>> their hashes), but we do not want to download the whole history ( 5 
>> versions of 40MB file gives 200MB ). We would like to download those 
>> file on demand. Is there any solution for handling large files developed 
>> by community? I know about several, but they do not work 
>> with EGit, i.e. using smudge/clean filters.
>> Thanks,
>> Piotr Tomiak
>> Genuitec LLC
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