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ide-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [ide-dev] A "releases/latest" URL in the IDE to ease upgrades?, (continued)
  • [ide-dev] News about Android Studio, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Implicit editor saving and Auto Building in Eclipse, Bruno Medeiros
  • [ide-dev] (no subject), Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] EGerrit 0.1 available, Pascal Rapicault
  • [ide-dev] A new survey about bug report production, 涛 张
  • Re: [ide-dev] [cdt-dev] FW: New topic in forum C / C++ IDE (CDT), called Why can't it "just work"?, by Rob Lewis, Doug Schaefer
  • [ide-dev] Widget and Utils contribution, Thomas Gossmann
  • [ide-dev] A new survey, Pascal Rapicault

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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