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Re: [ide-dev] Some Java dev stories where Eclipse > IDEA

On 01/27/2016 04:19 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
LOL, and Dani mentioned it here. in relation to Java 9 module support.
I do not read this as a commitment or a plan, and I don't think this is something we can expect soon.
My proposal about multiple container and support for source folder<->container(s) mapping would also be a possible implementation for JDT. The discussion about multiple classpath has mainly focused on changing existing API to support that; but I believe that an approach based on additional metadata + builder + error would work and would be much simpler to implement. At least, it's possible to work on it as a separate plugin in a 1st time...
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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