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tycho-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.7.1 is released, (continued)
  • [tycho-dev] Breaking change in 2.7.0?, Fauth Dirk (XC-ECO/ESM1)
  • [tycho-dev] Thanks to Christoph for adding computing power to CI, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.x.1 release?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] Abandoning Java < 11 support for tycho-surefire-plugin?, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] "sponsored" label?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] Committer Election for Hannes Wellmann on Eclipse Tycho™ has started, emo
  • [tycho-dev] State of Tycho with Maven 3.8.5, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.7.0 is released, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] Forwarding from maven dev list: Re: [DISCUSS] Maven 3.8.x and 3.9.x, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] Subject: Tycho 2.6.0 is released, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho 3.0 release, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.6.0 release, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [tycho-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Michael Keppler on Eclipse Tycho, emo
  • [tycho-dev] Committer Election for Michael Keppler on Eclipse Tycho has started, emo
  • Re: [tycho-dev] EMO(ED) Approval required for Project Lead election for Mickael Istria on Eclipse Tycho, EMO EMO
  • [tycho-dev] Hacktoberfest for Tycho?, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Mickael Istria on Eclipse Tycho, emo
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.5.0 is released!, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] Project Lead election for Mickael Istria on Eclipse Tycho, emo
  • [tycho-dev] Issue compiling with Tycho 2.4.0 when patch fragments are used, Ravikiran Katneni
  • [tycho-dev] 1.7.x branch, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] release 2.5.0?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [tycho-dev] tycho-user mailing-list moving to GitHub discussion, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] Using Github-Discussions?, Christoph Läubrich

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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