I would appreciate a 2.7.1 release which also incorporates cherry-picks of these two commits:
https://github.com/eclipse/tycho/commit/3c46a38700f08829cf4921bf6feaf7237f10e8ff Issue
#719 Performance regression with fragment additons to classpath
https://github.com/eclipse/tycho/commit/7216f08bb54feddbcbcaad7170ae9417abbbb34a P2ResolverFactoryImpl:
Improve calculateDependencyFragments performance
This is why we have not yet moved to 2.7.0 everywhere.
In general, regarding the maintenance strategy: If there are no regressions in the latest stable release then there should be no reason not to update to it.
I also do not think a 2.6.1 / 2.5.1 / … release would prevent the issue with the broken metadata.
Typically it is not about specifically wanting to use that old 2.6.x / 2.5.x version.
More likely you happen to check out a project that has not been touched in a while and just happens to use Tycho 2.6.x/2.6.x/… in its current state.
In that case the solution should be to simply be able to upgrade to 2.7.x without any regressions and a 2.6.1 / 2.5.1 should not be necessary.
From: tycho-dev <tycho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Aleksandar Kurtakov
Sent: Montag, 28. März 2022 09:08
To: Tycho developers list <tycho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [tycho-dev] Tycho 2.x.1 release?
> First we need someone to drive the release.
I can prepare and perform the release.
> 2.6.1 is not that good as it should be trivial for
> people to switch to 2.7.
that's true, I just noticed that if people don't want to upgrade for
certain reasons it is not trivial to use 2.6 + 2.7 in parallel so maybe
for people trying out 2.7 to have a 2.6 that do not fails afterwards.
> and be asked for 1.x fixes
If someone likes to provide the necessary code and drive the release why
not? One should just not assume that tycho do it for them...
What you say it's true. There is just one problem and it's called "expectations" - Why have you done it for X but not for Y? Why not fix my "very important" case while you fixed these "useless" issues? There used to be maintenance fixes
for X years, why not now? and so on and on. Once people get used to certain things happening, changing smth or actually not doing smth (cause you just don't have time!) anymore leads to a great number of complains and discussions that don't create anything
else but anger and disappointment.
It might be just me and my Platform experience speaking here. Overall, I'm not against doing maintenance work but I am really cautious to not be thrown in yet another replay of the same story.
Am 28.03.22 um 08:45 schrieb Aleksandar Kurtakov:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 7:49 AM Christoph Läubrich
> <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone is interested in an Tycho 2.7.1 release, there is a
> bug regarding PGP sites that should be easy to backport and there where
> some others as well.
> Then there is a problem that Tycho 2.7.0 produces metadata that
> confuses
> Tycho 2.6.0 I wonder if we should provide a 2.6.1 and 2.5.1 to fix that
> problem?
> What do you think?
> First we need someone to drive the release. If there is one I think
> 2.7.1 is a fine idea. 2.6.1 is not that good as it should be trivial for
> people to switch to 2.7. Regarding 2.5.1 - I think that one should be
> totally out of scope as that way we would open the pandora box and be
> asked for 1.x fixes even.
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> Aleksandar Kurtakov
> Red Hat Eclipse Team
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