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  • Re: [tycho-dev] first org.eclipse.tycho commit, (continued)
  • [tycho-dev] tycho 0.11.0 released, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] dropping eclipse-3.4 CI build, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Plan for initial contribution of Tycho, Oberlies, Tobias
  • Re: [tycho-dev] [Tycho Users] please test staged tycho 0.11.0, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Update demo application, Oberlies, Tobias
  • Re: [tycho-dev] tycho dependencies, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] moving discussions and bugtracking to eclipse infrastructure, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Committer vote for Tobias Oberlies has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [tycho-dev] Committer vote for Tobias Oberlies has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Jan Sievers
  • [tycho-dev] +1 for Tobias Oberlies on technology.tycho by Jason Van Zyl, portal on behalf of Jason Van Zyl
  • [tycho-dev] +1 for Tobias Oberlies on technology.tycho by Igor Fedorenko, portal on behalf of Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] Vote for Committer status for Tobias Oberlies was started by Jan Sievers, portal on behalf of Jan Sievers
  • [tycho-dev] SNAPSHOT repository corrupt, Sandeep Korrapati
  • [tycho-dev] No implementation for org.sonatype.tycho.equinox.EquinoxRuntimeLocator, Sandeep Korrapati
  • [tycho-dev] Request for Comments: Migration path to new packaging type for p2-enabled products, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Unresolved references, Sandeep Korrapati
  • [tycho-dev] [Tycho] Indirect references unresolved., Sandeep Korrapati
  • [tycho-dev] Project meta data is out of date for technology.tycho, portal on behalf of emo
  • Welcome to tycho-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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