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  • Re: [ide-dev] Using marketplace favorites as an IDE definition, (continued)
  • Re: [ide-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Your friendly error reports bot is suspended, Marcel Bruch
  • [ide-dev] EditorConfig support in eclipse?, Michael Scharf
  • [ide-dev] Update on Automated Error Reporting, Marcel Bruch
  • [ide-dev] "Improved" settings for Eclipse - Creating a testground, Lars Vogel
  • [ide-dev] Yet another article advising to leave Eclispe, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Update on Error Log Reporting for Mars Milestones, Marcel Bruch
  • Re: [ide-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Automated Error Reporting for Mars Milestone Builds, Marcel Bruch
  • [ide-dev] Very interesting troll about Eclipse on French forum "Developpez", Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Question about SWT image, Fei Wang
  • [ide-dev] New book: Contributing to the Eclipse project: Principles, Plug-ins and Gerrit Code Review, Lars Vogel
  • Re: [ide-dev] ide-dev Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6, Denys Digtiar
  • [ide-dev] How to encourage contributions and what kind of contributions?, Michael Scharf
  • [ide-dev] 10 ideas to improve Eclipse IDE usability, Mike Milinkovich

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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