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Re: [ide-dev] Yet another article advising to leave Eclispe

Am 16.10.2014 um 10:54 schrieb Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:

And I believe Marcel's exception reports about 3rd-party code too is very interesting and is good for helping every Eclipse project (not only ones, but also 3rd party ones). It's good to see the Foundation/Community also opening tools for 3rd-party adopters. This goes in the direction you're mentioning about higher quality for everyone.

I’ve to  explain one point here (making sure that there is no confusion):

1. EF decided not to collect stack traces that stem from arbitrary external plugins for privacy reasons.
Thus I only filter for IStatus object (error messages) whose pluginId starts with org.eclipse.*.

2. I get the information about STS b/c some users disable the "anonymize stack trace“ option or because I track which plugins are on the execution stack.

3. We do not generally collect error messages from 3rd party plugins.


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