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  • Re: [jta-dev] Intending to create a 2.0.1-RC1, (continued)
  • [jta-dev] Migrating repos to, David Blevins
  • [jta-dev] Seeking a contributor to work on module-info.class issue for Jakarta Transactions, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Question on registerInterposedSynchronization() when marked for rollback, Norbert Wirges
  • [jta-dev] CDI interceptors should marked the transaction for rollback for unchecked exceptions not only for RuntimeExceptions, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Do you plan to move your TCK tests out of the Platform TCK project for Jakarta EE 10+?, Scott Marlow
  • [jta-dev] Possible release of jakarta.transaction-api 1.3.4?, Grzegorz Grzybek
  • [jta-dev] Handling java.lang.Error within the CDI interceptor, Ondra Chaloupka
  • [jta-dev] Please review Jakarta EE Transactions TCK contents and approve promotion issue, Ed Bratt
  • [jta-dev] Intending to produce final versions of the specification documents and complete the Jakarta Transactions 2.0.0 API/Javadoc release, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] EE9 Blocker? Java EE 7 (JTA 1.1 -> JTA 1.2) seems to have lost some information, do we need/want to do something for EE9?, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Removing version numbers when referencing other specifications?, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Jakarta Transactions 2.0.0-RC3, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Any objections to not requiring a review from a committer for any PR raised by a committer merging their PR?, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] FYI: re-enabled TCK testing for PR (and updated some jobs), Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a project committer to review a (large) PR, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Opportunity available to help record the change log for Jakarta Transactions 2.0 for Jakarta EE 9, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Jakarta Transactions 2.0 for Jakarta EE 9 remaining items, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting project committers to review some PRs, Tom Jenkinson

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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