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  • [jta-dev] Help requested on how to deal with JTS attribution for the Jakarta Transactions specification, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Removing scope chapter from the Jakarta Transactions specification?, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Issue with exceptions from javax.transaction referenced in JDK, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a project committer to review a PR, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] spec-conversion, Vano Beridze
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a review for syncing commits, Tom Jenkinson
  • Re: [jta-dev] [] Request for help converting the Jakarta Transactions specification document, Vano Beridze
  • [jta-dev] Request for help converting the Jakarta Transactions specification document, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a review, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Pull request reviews by non-committers, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] New staging for Transactions API required, arjan tijms
  • [jta-dev] Spec document - link or reference to Jakarta Persistence, Markus Stauffer
  • [jta-dev] Blocking RC1: Requesting a review for PR to upgrade spec-version-maven-plugin, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a review for PR to include and into the META-INF folder, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting a review for PR updating maven parent to org.eclipse.ee4j:project:1.0.6, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] findbugs-maven-plugin in api/pom.xml, Markus Stauffer
  • [jta-dev] Converting Specification Documents, Markus Stauffer
  • [jta-dev] Accepted certification request, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Jakarta Transactions 1.3.3 released!, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Syncing master with the commits from EE4J (may require force push), Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Urgent review required, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Fwd: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Handling Certification Requests, Tom Jenkinson
  • [jta-dev] Requesting review of, Tom Jenkinson

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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