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  • [ide-dev] Benefits of integration with code server and new generic editor for average Eclipse user, (continued)
  • [ide-dev] Announcing Goomph, an IDE adoption vector, Ned Twigg
  • [ide-dev] Checking Android Studio vs Eclipse+Andmore comparison, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Hook into the build process, Oliver Z.
  • [ide-dev] Summarizing the Automated Error Reporting Efforts for Eclipse Mars, Marcel Bruch
  • [ide-dev] Code editors in the Eclipse (IDE), Tom Schindl
  • [ide-dev] Language Server Protocol, Sven Efftinge (sven@xxxxxxxxxxx)
  • [ide-dev] Multiple languages on Eclipse/TextMate bundles support (i.e.: Open sourcing LiClipse editor component), Fabio Zadrozny
  • [ide-dev] Respinning Mars.2 with GTK2 by default, Jonah Graham
  • [ide-dev] Dropping the release names (Neon, Oxygen) from user downloads, Tracy Miranda

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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