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  • Re: [cdt-dev] temporarily switch off indexer programmatically, (continued)
  • [cdt-dev] CDT Developer Summit, Mikhail Khodjaiants
  • [cdt-dev] API-Tooling errors in cdt.ui, Emanuel Graf
  • [cdt-dev] Programmatically generating c++ source file, gerhard
  • [cdt-dev] Delete ILaunchConfigurations, Mikael Engbom
  • [cdt-dev] Remote Development Tools conference call/demo, Chris Recoskie
  • [cdt-dev] debugger question, Elena Laskavaia
  • [cdt-dev] Adding MakeTargets takes a long time and consumes a huge amount of heap, Merx, Thomas
  • [cdt-dev] comping problems, Elena Laskavaia
  • [cdt-dev] FYI: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Lothar Werzinger
  • [cdt-dev] Fwd: Getting the AST of the cursor position, Elazar Leibovich
  • [cdt-dev] doxygen, Andrew Gvozdev
  • [cdt-dev] Retrieving project library paths from within a plugin fails, Helmut Duregger
  • [cdt-dev] Can not resize any of the pop up windows with the latest CDT..., Fedja Jeleskovic
  • [cdt-dev] Why is org.eclipse.cdt.internal.errorparsers internal?, Achim Bursian
  • [cdt-dev] Parsing Function Prototypes with AST, patrick . schmitt
  • [cdt-dev] Minutes from Call today, Schaefer, Doug
  • [cdt-dev] Close bug 169107, Rich Wagner
  • [cdt-dev] AUTO: Mike Wilson is out of the office (returning 09/02/2008), Mike Wilson
  • [cdt-dev] AUTO: Chris Recoskie is out of the office.(returning 12/03/2007), Chris Recoskie

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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