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January 24, 2021
12:20 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Max
January 23, 2021
12:28 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Michael Keppler
January 21, 2021
05:24 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Johan Compagner
05:17 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Mickael Istria
04:44 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Gunnar Wagenknecht
04:27 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Matthias Sohn
04:12 [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Lars Vogel
January 15, 2021
07:18 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Matthias Sohn
03:58 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Max
January 13, 2021
22:47 [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Muhmud Ahmad
December 13, 2020
14:48 Re: [egit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] [mylyn-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Matthias Sohn
13:17 Re: [egit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] [mylyn-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Jonah Graham
13:14 Re: [egit-dev] [mylyn-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Matthias Sohn
December 12, 2020
23:27 Re: [egit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Jonah Graham
December 09, 2020
21:09 Re: [egit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Matthias Sohn
20:54 Re: [egit-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Jonah Graham
16:55 Re: [egit-dev] Mylyn participation in 2020-12 Matthias Sohn
December 03, 2020
10:40 [egit-dev] 5.10 release ahead Matthias Sohn
November 14, 2020
15:59 Re: [egit-dev] Error starting an EGit runtime Matthias Sohn
November 13, 2020
05:57 Re: [egit-dev] Error starting an EGit runtime Thomas Wolf
04:48 [egit-dev] Error starting an EGit runtime Lars Vogel
November 02, 2020
23:17 [egit-dev] Integrating Egit into Eclipse RCP 2020-09 Duy Trần Phạm
October 03, 2020
05:15 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Gunnar Wagenknecht
October 02, 2020
16:24 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Matthias Sohn
05:56 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Andrey Loskutov
05:53 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Matthias Sohn
03:35 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Johan Compagner
October 01, 2020
17:53 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Johan Compagner
16:49 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Matthias Sohn
12:20 [egit-dev] why does egit depend on a different "version" of the commons http then default eclipse? Johan Compagner
September 17, 2020
17:18 Re: [egit-dev] JGit/EGit release 5.9.0 Sohn, Matthias
02:18 Re: [egit-dev] JGit/EGit release 5.9.0 Thomas Wolf
02:08 Re: [egit-dev] JGit/EGit release 5.9.0 Johan Compagner
September 16, 2020
17:45 [egit-dev] JGit/EGit release 5.9.0 Matthias Sohn
August 11, 2020
11:04 Re: [egit-dev] Gerrit review system Matthias Sohn
10:31 [egit-dev] Gerrit review system khayati ohri
August 05, 2020
05:03 Re: [egit-dev] Fwd: Integration with Git Matthias Sohn
August 04, 2020
09:42 [egit-dev] Fwd: Integration with Git khayati ohri
July 29, 2020
14:18 Re: [egit-dev] Integration with Git khayati ohri
July 28, 2020
08:35 Re: [egit-dev] Integration with Git Matthias Sohn
05:45 [egit-dev] Integration with Git khayati ohri
July 15, 2020
12:29 [egit-dev] EGit 5.8.1 Matthias Sohn
July 14, 2020
05:03 [egit-dev] Open Reviews Gunnar Wagenknecht
June 25, 2020
03:18 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Julien DEHAUDT
June 24, 2020
17:23 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Matthias Sohn
03:44 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Johan Compagner
03:42 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Johan Compagner
02:31 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Julien DEHAUDT
June 23, 2020
19:22 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Sohn, Matthias
June 22, 2020
04:07 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Julien DEHAUDT
June 20, 2020
12:56 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Matthias Sohn
June 19, 2020
12:16 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Julien DEHAUDT
12:04 Re: [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Johan Compagner
10:02 [egit-dev] 5.8.0 breaks backward compatibility ? Julien DEHAUDT
June 16, 2020
03:43 Re: [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Johan Compagner
June 15, 2020
14:56 Re: [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Gunnar Wagenknecht
14:43 Re: [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Gunnar Wagenknecht
14:37 Re: [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Gunnar Wagenknecht
13:39 Re: [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Thomas Wolf
12:55 [egit-dev] Push branch dialog Gunnar Wagenknecht
June 09, 2020
06:23 Re: [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.8.0 for 2020-06 Gunnar Wagenknecht
June 08, 2020
16:30 [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.8.0 for 2020-06 Matthias Sohn
June 04, 2020
10:20 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] What's included in the 5.8 release? Matthias Sohn
April 20, 2020
12:48 [egit-dev] Adding repository invitations api support Gregory Amerson
April 16, 2020
17:57 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Lidia Popescu
17:34 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Matthias Sohn
12:42 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Michael Keppler
01:55 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Lidia Popescu
April 15, 2020
14:48 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Matthias Sohn
14:29 [egit-dev] Does egit or jgit has periodic file system checks? Lidia Popescu
March 19, 2020
16:24 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Matthias Sohn
12:18 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Johan Compagner
10:59 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Matthias Sohn
10:52 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Thomas Wolf
10:46 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Johan Compagner
10:41 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Matthias Sohn
10:24 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Johan Compagner
10:13 Re: [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Matthias Sohn
09:09 [egit-dev] 5.7 in a product build that is based on eclipse 4.14 (2019.12) Johan Compagner
March 10, 2020
11:12 [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.7.0 for 2020-03 Matthias Sohn
February 25, 2020
17:14 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Thomas Wolf
17:07 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Thomas Wolf
16:55 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Andrey Loskutov
16:53 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Thomas Wolf
16:46 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
16:37 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
16:20 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
16:16 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
16:08 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
15:05 Re: [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Thomas Wolf
13:31 [egit-dev] is there something changed in the history view? Johan Compagner
February 17, 2020
16:48 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 5.6.1 Matthias Sohn
December 09, 2019
19:02 Re: [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.6.0 for 2019-12 Gunnar Wagenknecht
16:56 [egit-dev] release 5.6.0 Matthias Sohn
15:18 [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.6.0 for 2019-12 Matthias Sohn
November 28, 2019
04:41 Re: [egit-dev] Approaching release 5.6 for Eclipse 2019-12 Thomas Wolf
04:29 Re: [egit-dev] Approaching release 5.6 for Eclipse 2019-12 Michael Keppler
November 27, 2019
17:57 [egit-dev] Approaching release 5.6 for Eclipse 2019-12 Matthias Sohn
November 15, 2019
13:20 [egit-dev] How to import GitHub private repositories into Eclipse in using mylyn eclipse github connector ? fabricemaupin
November 06, 2019
06:04 Re: [egit-dev] Bug 456996: EGit performance poor when home directory on a network disk Thomas Wolf

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