Hi Muhmud,
I think it would be nice, if the EGit Gitflow support could also support
these scripts.
However, I am not clear on the current situation of Git-hook support in
We don't seem to mention it in our user guide [1], but maybe it is not
necessary because it is standard Git behavior that does not require a
separate EGit setup?
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
look at the type hierarchy of GitHook [1] in jgit. It currently supports the following hooks
- commit-msg
- post-commit
- pre-commit
- pre-push
running the hooks via FS.runHookIfPresent() is currently only implemented in FS_Posix
This means there is no implementation for Windows yet.
If EGit in general would support these hooks, and it is only a matter of
triggering them in the right moment in Gitflow, I'd be up for supporting
the effort to add this feature.
[1] https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide
Am 14.01.2021 04:47 schrieb Muhmud Ahmad:
> The gitflow AVH edition allows you to provide hook scripts to
> customize git flow operations. So, you can provide a hook script for
> "post hotfix publish" which then creates a merge request for your
> changes.
> Would it be possible to have this kind of functionality in egit?
> Preferably so that they share the same hook script directory
> configuration so that Eclipse and command line execution do the same
> things?
> Thanks,
> Muhmud.
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