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October 08, 2024
14:02 [egit-dev] Reminder: PHP Deprecation Eclipse Webmaster
September 11, 2024
10:05 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 7.0.0 Matthias Sohn
July 09, 2024
04:59 Re: [egit-dev] Two people (at least) are failing ssh auth in Eclipse, but not from command line, https works Wim Jongman
June 12, 2024
18:30 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 6.10.0 Sohn, Matthias
May 17, 2024
11:03 Re: [egit-dev] Git repository context menu now has dozens of menu items, some duplicates KARR, DAVID
May 14, 2024
17:29 Re: [egit-dev] Git repository context menu now has dozens of menu items, some duplicates KARR, DAVID
11:18 Re: [egit-dev] Git repository context menu now has dozens of menu items, some duplicates ARBOGAST , Cédric
02:58 Re: [egit-dev] Git repository context menu now has dozens of menu items, some duplicates Andrey Loskutov
May 11, 2024
13:19 [egit-dev] Git repository context menu now has dozens of menu items, some duplicates KARR, DAVID
April 11, 2024
12:03 [egit-dev] Two people (at least) are failing ssh auth in Eclipse, but not from command line, https works David Karr
December 03, 2023
18:44 [egit-dev] Issue tracking and wiki Matthias Sohn
December 02, 2023
07:03 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Moving from Bugzilla to GitHub issue tracking Luca Milanesio
November 29, 2023
15:04 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Moving from Bugzilla to GitHub issue tracking Matthias Sohn
November 23, 2023
17:54 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Jonah Graham
17:51 Re: [egit-dev] Moving from Bugzilla to GitHub issue tracking Jonah Graham
17:49 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Moving from Bugzilla to GitHub issue tracking Luca Milanesio
17:33 [egit-dev] Moving from Bugzilla to GitHub issue tracking Matthias Sohn
17:12 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
12:42 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Jonah Graham
November 20, 2023
09:38 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
08:26 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
November 18, 2023
10:33 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Luca Milanesio
November 17, 2023
18:42 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
18:35 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
October 25, 2023
08:24 Re: [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Carsten Pfeiffer
October 20, 2023
14:43 [egit-dev] Migration of JGit/EGit repositories to GerritHub on Oct 23 Matthias Sohn
September 27, 2023
18:11 Re: [egit-dev] EGit download page empty? Thomas Wolf
September 26, 2023
18:26 Re: [egit-dev] EGit download page empty? Matthias Sohn
17:32 [egit-dev] EGit download page empty? Thomas Wolf
September 12, 2023
18:41 [egit-dev] Security fix for CVE-2023-4759 Matthias Sohn
18:27 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 6.7.0 Matthias Sohn
May 26, 2023
10:01 Re: [egit-dev] [technology-pmc] Release review JGit/EGit 6.6.0 for 2023-06 Eclipse Management Office EMO
03:28 Re: [egit-dev] Release review JGit/EGit 6.6.0 for 2023-06 Gunnar Wagenknecht
02:55 [egit-dev] Release review JGit/EGit 6.6.0 for 2023-06 Matthias Sohn
May 24, 2023
18:03 [egit-dev] Approaching release Matthias Sohn
May 04, 2023
20:38 [egit-dev] releng issue with few people being CC'ed Jonah Graham
March 19, 2023
04:06 Re: [egit-dev] [mylyn-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: Not an active committer) Matthias Sohn
March 18, 2023
10:28 Re: [egit-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer) Wim Jongman
10:21 Re: [egit-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer) Wim Jongman
March 01, 2023
10:30 [egit-dev] Approaching release 6.5.0 Matthias Sohn
January 20, 2023
07:03 Re: [egit-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer) Wim Jongman
January 12, 2023
15:53 Re: [egit-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer) Matthias Sohn
January 07, 2023
03:35 [egit-dev] Moving the EGit Mylyn connector (Was: Re: [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer) Thomas Wolf
January 06, 2023
16:20 Re: [egit-dev] [mylyn-dev] Not an active committer Matthias Sohn
December 14, 2022
04:05 [egit-dev] JGit/EGit support for Git worktree repositories Ziegler, Zdenek
June 15, 2022
03:40 Re: [egit-dev] With working-tree-encoding and encoding attrbutes Matthias Sohn
June 01, 2022
10:08 [egit-dev] With working-tree-encoding and encoding attrbutes Gerald Mitchell
March 31, 2022
07:31 Re: [egit-dev] Mylyn removal from the Eclipse simultaneous release Thomas Wolf
07:05 Re: [egit-dev] Mylyn removal from the Eclipse simultaneous release Gunnar Wagenknecht
March 30, 2022
18:02 [egit-dev] Mylyn removal from the Eclipse simultaneous release Matthias Sohn
March 23, 2022
03:29 [egit-dev] Feedback on "Preview Commit Message" tool item Gunnar Wagenknecht
03:26 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Gunnar Wagenknecht
03:15 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Thomas Wolf
01:13 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Gunnar Wagenknecht
March 22, 2022
19:16 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config rsbecker
18:56 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Thomas Wolf
18:32 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config rsbecker
17:58 Re: [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Thomas Wolf
16:20 [egit-dev] Commit + Push no longer using "Push to origin" config Gunnar Wagenknecht
November 16, 2021
13:26 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Luca Milanesio
12:04 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Andrey Loskutov
November 13, 2021
17:41 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Matthias Sohn
16:57 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Thomas Wolf
15:04 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Matthias Sohn
07:13 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Lars Vogel
06:49 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Thomas Wolf
04:35 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Gunnar Wagenknecht
November 12, 2021
17:53 Re: [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Andrey Loskutov
17:41 [egit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit Matthias Sohn
September 28, 2021
06:06 Re: [egit-dev] Archive of EGit update repos Matthias Sohn
September 27, 2021
20:06 Re: [egit-dev] Archive of EGit update repos Kit Lo
September 24, 2021
08:55 Re: [egit-dev] Archive of EGit update repos Matthias Sohn
02:15 [egit-dev] Archive of EGit update repos Kit Lo
September 14, 2021
12:30 Re: [egit-dev] PushOption for gitlab-ci Matthias Sohn
12:04 Re: [egit-dev] PushOption for gitlab-ci Leandro Cerencio
11:07 Re: [egit-dev] PushOption for gitlab-ci Matthias Sohn
10:34 [egit-dev] PushOption for gitlab-ci Leandro Cerencio
04:29 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 5.13.0 Matthias Sohn
September 07, 2021
16:12 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 5.13.0 Thomas Wolf
September 06, 2021
07:25 Re: [egit-dev] release 5.13.0 Matthias Sohn
August 18, 2021
06:49 [egit-dev] release 5.13.0 Matthias Sohn
June 24, 2021
02:22 [egit-dev] problems pushing to Gerrit Matthias Sohn
June 12, 2021
15:37 Re: [egit-dev] [technology-pmc] Release review JGit / EGit 5.12.0 for 2021-06 Gunnar Wagenknecht
05:55 Re: [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.12.0 for 2021-06 Matthias Sohn
June 11, 2021
13:18 Re: [egit-dev] [technology-pmc] Release review JGit / EGit 5.12.0 for 2021-06 EMO EMO
June 09, 2021
02:53 Re: [egit-dev] Source compatibility of egit? Thomas Wolf
02:12 [egit-dev] Source compatibility of egit? Carsten Pfeiffer
June 07, 2021
13:53 [egit-dev] Release review JGit / EGit 5.12.0 for 2021-06 Matthias Sohn
May 26, 2021
08:26 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] CI issues Matthias Sohn
08:20 [egit-dev] CI issues Matthias Sohn
May 14, 2021
17:28 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 5.11.1 Matthias Sohn
March 18, 2021
19:00 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit and EGit release 5.11.0 Matthias Sohn
March 07, 2021
13:50 Re: [egit-dev] Status of SSH Agent support on Linux Thomas Wolf
04:38 [egit-dev] Status of SSH Agent support on Linux Gunnar Wagenknecht
February 11, 2021
22:02 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Muhmud Ahmad
February 07, 2021
17:50 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Matthias Sohn
February 06, 2021
10:35 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Max
January 24, 2021
19:57 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Muhmud Ahmad
12:20 Re: [egit-dev] Merge request integration with Git Flow Max
January 23, 2021
12:28 Re: [egit-dev] Using the external browser for Git result dialogs Michael Keppler

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