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wtp-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [wtp-dev] Added Architecture Group page to "Development Resources", David M Williams
  • RE: [wtp-dev] Looking for committer with an interesting server-side unit testing and a big heart, David M Williams
  • RE: [wtp-dev] Looking for committer with an interestin server-side unit testing and a big heart, Thomas Yip
  • [wtp-dev] [Help Wanted] M3 wst.wsdl: WSDL Model, Kurien Mathew
  • [wtp-dev] Re: API Types that Inherit from Non-API Types, Jim des Rivieres
  • [wtp-dev] Looking for committer with an interest in server-side unit testing and a big heart, Daniel Somerfield
  • [wtp-dev] API Types that Inherit from Non-API Types, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] flexible project & server api changes - please review, Ted Bashor
  • [wtp-dev] NewJavaClassWizardPage, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Does anyone have *.xml files that need to be translated?, Jeffrey Liu
  • [wtp-dev] Updating drivers, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] New People Pages and Contributors Page, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] Server Tools/Internet API changes, Timothy Deboer
  • [wtp-dev] M5 Schedule Update: New Release Date is July 1, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] EAR cannot be added to a Server, Thomas Yip
  • [wtp-dev] Submitted Cactus Run-On-Server capability, Daniel Somerfield
  • [wtp-dev] Preconfigured download for M4, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] [Action] Some APIs are using non-API types, Jeffrey Liu
  • [wtp-dev] new generic server tutorial, Gorkem Ercan
  • [wtp-dev] M4 Declared, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Web Services tutorials updated for M4, Kathy Chan
  • [wtp-dev] I20050429 Experience, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] Mistakenly created two I-builds for M4 candidate, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] [wtp-build][I-I20050429-200504292301] - wtp-build results, ozgur . tumer
  • [wtp-dev] M4 Status- I-Build I20050429 - Good to Go for JSP, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] M4 Status- I-Build I20050429, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] [wtp-build][I-I20050429-200504292037] - wtp-build results, ozgur . tumer
  • [wtp-dev] M4 Candidate Rebuild in progress, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] question about rdb, snpe
  • [wtp-dev] M4 Status, Naci Dai

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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