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  • Re: [paho-dev] MQTT C Shared Library Names, (continued)
  • [paho-dev] Java MQTT Client GUI Utility, Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] New Makefile for building C client, Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] Request for consideration, Marc L Cohen
  • Re: [paho-dev] Hi how to build paho c?? // make file sucks!, luja
  • [paho-dev] Out of date link, Marc L Cohen
  • [paho-dev] MQTT Interop Testing Day, Ian Skerrett
  • [paho-dev] CoAP vs. MQTT, Mike Milinkovich
  • [paho-dev] Well - that was embarassing..., Jim Veneskey
  • Re: [paho-dev] Welcome to the "paho-dev" mailing list, Jim Veneskey
  • [paho-dev] Paho plans, Scott Lewis
  • [paho-dev] Javascript client develop branch, Al Stockdill-Mander
  • [paho-dev] Eclipse Project Mosquitto Posted - small MQTT server, Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] MQTT on micro-controller, Charlie Andrews
  • [paho-dev] Websocket support for Mosquitto on, Ian Skerrett
  • [paho-dev] HIPP and Gerrit, Al Stockdill-Mander
  • [paho-dev] Objective-C Client, Charlie Andrews
  • [paho-dev] next release?, Benjamin CabĂ©

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