I am trying to get Eclipse Paho setup and running.
I originally sent this to the Eclipse Paho forum - but it was recommended that I try this mailing list instead,
since it is used more.
At the moment - my goal is simply to be able to run the client applications, as demonstrated in this video:
I am currently trying the pre-compiled Plug-in route.
I have been attempting to follow these instructions:
Here are the steps I have taken and their results:
#1 - Downloaded and installed Eclipse
#2 - Downloaded MQTT Application Framework via:
#3 - Followed this step - pointed to the just download Framework
---Building (Paragraph 1)
'Run Eclipse.
Open "File" -> "Import ..." -> "General" -> "Existing Projects into Workspace".
Select "Select root directory" and specify path to org.eclipse.paho.esf/org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view directory. In "Projects" choose org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view.'
This results in 2 errors:
'Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view' is missing required Java project: 'org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3' org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view Build path Build Path Problem'
'Description Resource Path Location Type
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view Unknown Java Problem'
I expected that due to this:
'When import finishes there will be compilation errors that's because plug-in depends on org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 library. To fix them this library needs to be imported into plug-in project root directory and added to the classpath.'
#4 - Downloaded the pre-built JAR file as you suggested:
As of today, it was this file:
#5 - Followed this step (using the actual name of the JAR file of course):
---Building (Paragraph 2)
'In Eclipse open "Package Explorer" view.
Right click on org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view project, then choose "Import" -> "General" -> "File System" and provide path to the org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.jar.'
Same two errors are still present
#6 This next step is where I am stuck:
---Building (Paragraph 3)
'Classpath should be changed through "Plug-in Manifest Editor" view.
In "Package Explorer" view under org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view project find plugin.xml and open it.
Open "Runtime" tab and remove "org.eclipse.paho.client.eclipse.view" from "Classpath".'
I found the plugin.xml file easily enough and opened it via Eclipse.
Not sure if I opened it correctly, I just right clicked on it - and selected "Open"
It then displays a hierarchy view:
extension -> point
category -> id
category -> name
view -> id
view -> name
view -> category
view -> class
view -> icon
I am NOT seeing a "Runtime" tab anywhere - so I can't perform the modification to Classpath...
So - that is where I'm now stuck.
If it matters - I'm using this version of Eclips: eclipse-java-juno-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz