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September 01, 2020
11:07 Re: [] BALLOT: Jakarta Activation 2.0 Specification Werner Keil
10:55 Re: [] BALLOT: Jakarta Activation 2.0 Specification Kevin Sutter
03:06 Re: [] BALLOT: Jakarta Activation 2.0 Specification Ivar Grimstad
01:26 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Ivar Grimstad
August 31, 2020
22:48 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
21:25 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Ed Bratt
20:58 [] BALLOT: Jakarta Activation 2.0 Specification Scott Stark
20:32 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 Scott Stark
20:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Scott Stark
18:35 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Werner Keil
18:25 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
18:08 [] BALLOT: Approval to Release CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
15:14 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 CONGQUAN WANG
13:18 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to ReleaseJakarta Authorization 2.0 Werner Keil
12:12 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 Kevin Sutter
12:07 Re: [] [EXTERNAL] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 Kevin Sutter
August 30, 2020
18:50 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
15:34 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 CONGQUAN WANG
12:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 Scott Stark
08:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 Werner Keil
02:56 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 Ivar Grimstad
August 29, 2020
23:03 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
August 28, 2020
18:05 [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Mail 2.0 Werner Keil
17:48 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release JakartaAuthorization 2.0 Werner Keil
August 27, 2020
20:16 Re: [] BALLOT CLOSED: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Ed Bratt
02:46 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 Ivar Grimstad
August 26, 2020
17:15 Re: [] Congratulations to the Bean Validation 3.0 team! The first successful Specification for Jakarta EE 9! Amelia Eiras
17:01 [] Congratulations to the Bean Validation 3.0 team! The first successful Specification for Jakarta EE 9! Kevin Sutter
16:52 Re: [] [cdi-dev] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Scott Stark
16:01 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Kevin Sutter
14:58 [] BALLOT WITHDRAWAL: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
10:02 Re: [] [cdi-dev] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Scott Stark
08:40 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
06:00 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Ivar Grimstad
05:09 [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta Authorization 2.0 Andrew Pielage
01:53 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EEDependency Injection 2.0 CONGQUAN WANG
01:51 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 CONGQUAN WANG
August 25, 2020
23:08 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 David Blevins
23:06 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 David Blevins
22:40 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 David Blevins
22:40 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 David Blevins
22:40 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 David Blevins
17:40 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 marceloancelmo
17:39 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 marceloancelmo
17:37 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EEDependency Injection 2.0 marceloancelmo
17:35 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 marceloancelmo
02:20 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 CONGQUAN WANG
August 21, 2020
12:58 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Werner Keil
12:57 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Werner Keil
12:57 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta BeanValidation 3.0 Werner Keil
12:56 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EEDependency Injection 2.0 Werner Keil
10:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Andrew Pielage
10:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Andrew Pielage
10:31 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Andrew Pielage
10:30 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Andrew Pielage
August 20, 2020
10:50 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Ed Bratt
10:49 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Ed Bratt
10:48 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Ed Bratt
10:46 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Ed Bratt
August 15, 2020
10:23 Re: [] Updated reference to EFSL and to indicate the specification (#98) Kevin Sutter
08:29 Re: [] Updated reference to EFSL and to indicate the specification (#98) Hussain.NM
August 14, 2020
17:10 [] Do not update the EFSL text Kevin Sutter
16:30 Re: [] Updated reference to EFSL and to indicate the specification (#98) Kevin Sutter
08:58 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Kevin Sutter
August 13, 2020
21:05 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Kevin Sutter
19:03 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
19:03 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
19:02 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
19:02 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
12:51 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Kevin Sutter
12:49 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Ivar Grimstad
12:05 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Kevin Sutter
12:03 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Scott Stark
12:02 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Scott Stark
11:59 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Kevin Sutter
11:58 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Kevin Sutter
11:57 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
11:55 [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta EE Dependency Injection 2.0 Ed Bratt
11:40 [] Changing specification pages Scott Stark
11:22 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Scott Stark
10:41 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Scott Stark
09:08 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 Ivar Grimstad
04:06 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Werner Keil
01:40 [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Batch 2.0 kzr@xxxxxxxxxxx
01:28 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Ivar Grimstad
01:19 Re: [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Ivar Grimstad
August 12, 2020
20:10 [] BALLOT: Approval to Release Jakarta CDI 3.0 Kevin Sutter
20:06 [] BALLOT: Approval to release Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 Kevin Sutter
August 11, 2020
17:17 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Kevin Sutter
15:41 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Scott Stark
15:06 Re: [] Updated finalization steps Kevin Sutter
13:00 [] Updated finalization steps Scott Stark
August 09, 2020
13:01 Re: [] TCK URLs... Kevin Sutter
August 07, 2020
14:38 Re: [] TCK URLs... Scott Marlow
August 05, 2020
22:12 Re: [] TCK URLs... Scott Marlow
20:10 Re: [] TCK URLs... David Blevins
19:31 Re: [] [] TCK Urls... David Blevins
18:21 Re: [] TCK URLs... David Blevins
18:20 Re: [] [] TCK Urls... Kevin Sutter
18:20 Re: [] TCK URLs... Scott Marlow

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