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[] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - February 10th, 2021

Jakarta EE Spec Committee - February 10th, 2021

Attendees (present in bold):

Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu

Dan Bandera - IBM - Kevin Sutter, Tom Watson (guest)

Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov

Andrew Pielage - Payara - Matt Gill

Scott Stark - Red Hat - Mark Little, Scott Marlow

David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez

Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative

Marcelo Ancelmo - Participant Member - Martijn Verburg

Werner Keil - Committer Member

Jun Qian - Primeton - Enterprise Member 


Eclipse Foundation: Wayne Beaton, Tanja Obradovic, Paul Buck (chair)

References: JESP, Spec Committee page including approved meeting minutes

Past business / action items:

  • Approval is requested for the meeting minutes from the January 27th meeting as drafted - Approved.


See issue thread for discussion notes

Committee was reminded to provide input and prepare for discussion on February 24th call

  • Refine plan to provide the Specification Committee’s input for the Simplify Release Process objective in the Jakarta EE Program Plan - Quarterly Progress

    • See slides 5 & 6

      • For Q1 this item was added - Infra required for concurrent testing Java 8 and Java 11 support starting w/ EE 9.1. See draft proposal from Scott Marlow is here.

      • The committee will review the retrospective and identify items for Q2, Q3 and Q4.

Committee was reminded to provide input and prepare for discussion on February 24th call

  • Identify specification projects that are in need of additional committers. Action item from the February 9th Steering Committee meeting. See slide 18 in the Program Plan - Quarterly Progress deck

    • Tanja agreed to provide metrics the EMO

  • EFSP - Service Release 

    • Wayne created a issue against the EFSP for an “errata”

See issue thread for discussion notes

  • JESP - Consumption of external specs

    • Werner created an issue regarding specification projects consuming "External Specifications”

Duplicate of agenda item 2 - “Possible JESP update …”

  • Listing versions of compatible implementations on spec project pages [Tanja]

    • Tanja provided an update 

  • Joy project implemented JSONP, a PR has been submitted to be added, who should approve it? [Ivar]


      • To be approved by one spec committee member and the merged

    • Proposal 

      • Mark the implementation that was used for ratification with an “*”

      • Add a link to Compatible products page on Platform and Web Profile spec pages

Ivar to make a PR for the above, record any further input on the PR

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