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  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC2 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox RC1 (2022-09) is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 Sign-Off, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Review/Update of Readme for 4.25, Sarika Sinha
  • [eclipse-dev] Blocker issue for 4.25, Mickael Istria
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 Sign-off, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Simplified API removal process for Java code, Lars Vogel
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • Re: [eclipse-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] How to name tests for bugs after GitHub move, Mickael Istria
  • [eclipse-dev] ⚠ Verify Freeze check seems non functional ⚠, Mickael Istria
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Sign-off 4.25 M1, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Platform now capable of producing and deploying Maven SNAPSHOTs of its artifacts, Mickael Istria
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M1 Reminder, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Committer disagreement resolution guidelines, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 (2022-06) are available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Github issue creation and commit message guidelines for the Eclipse Top Level project, Lars Vogel
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 RC2a is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse IDE Working Group – Community Day Call – June 14th - Reminder!, Mark Goodchild
  • [eclipse-dev] Master branch is open for 4.25 development, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 RC2 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Sign off 4.24 RC2, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 (2022-06) RC2 reminders, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 RC1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 (2022-06) RC1 Sign Off, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Review/Update of 4.24 ReadMe, Sarika Sinha
  • [eclipse-dev] Review /Update of Acknowledgements file for 4.24, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 (2022-06) RC1 reminders and master is open, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] 4.24 M3 eclipse and Equinox available, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] how to write plugin to render latex in (Java) code comments?, Stephen Crowley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.24 (2022-06) M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Advice on working with GitHub, Jonah Graham
  • [eclipse-dev] Retire e4 sub project?, Lars Vogel
  • [eclipse-dev] Contribution of Eclipse platform and equinox towards Simrel 2022-06 M2 complete, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Lightweight M1 for September release, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [eclipse-dev] Planned bugs for 4.24, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Referencing Bugzilla Bugs in Github PR's, Thomas Mäder
  • [eclipse-dev] PDE.UI repo has been renamed to PDE, Lars Vogel

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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