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  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.28 RC1, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.28 (2023-06) RC1 Reminder, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.28 (2023-06) M3 is available, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.28 M3, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.28 M3 Reminder, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.28 M1 Reminder, Rahul Mohanan
  • Re: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse (V 4.26) : Control Flow Guard (CFG) is not enabled for Launcher.exe, Kumbhar, Anuradha
  • [eclipse-dev] Request for Speakers, Eclipse IDE 2023-03 Webinar May 3, Gerald Mitchell
  • [eclipse-dev] ChatGPT, Wim Jongman
  • [eclipse-dev] Don't understand why build is failing, Hoepfner, Marcus
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.28 (2023-06) M1 is available, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.28 M1, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] Fwd: [GitHub Support] - Jobs stuck in queue for hours, Alexander Kriegisch
  • [eclipse-dev] Java 20 support for Eclipse 2023-03 (4.27), Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran
  • [eclipse-dev] Java 20 support for Eclipse 2023-03 (4.27)., Manoj Palat
  • [eclipse-dev] SimRel 2023-03 and Eclipse 4.27 Available, Rahul Mohanan
  • [eclipse-dev] wrapped bundles coming from m2 in .target file, Wim Jongman
  • [eclipse-dev] Splash Screens for 2023, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Buildserver broken?, Hoepfner, Marcus
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse creating hprof file in project root, Shawn Heisey
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) RC2 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.27 RC2, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 RC2 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) RC1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.27 RC1, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Anyone uses eclipse IDE source tarball?, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) RC1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Red Hat’s Involvement in Eclipse IDE Development, Eric Williams
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.27 (2023-03) M3, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse an Equinox 4.27 M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Enabling dark theme support for SWT stand-alone applications on Windows, Paul Gardner
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.27 (2023-03) M1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.27 M1, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Foojay Podcast: IDE and Fosdem Speaker, Lars Vogel
  • [eclipse-dev] Fwd: Foojay Podcast: IDEs, Lars Vogel
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) are available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Master branch is open for 4.27 development, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC2 (2022-12) RC2 is available, Aleksandar Kurtakov
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC2 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 RC1 (2022-12) RC1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.26 RC1, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) RC1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.26 M3, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox M3 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox M2 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 (2022-12) M1 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.26 M1, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] GridLayout with >2 columns and imaginary center line, Hoepfner, Marcus
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.26 M1 Reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse IDE Working Group request for Speakers for EclipseCon Community Day and virtual sessions, Gerald Mitchell
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse Platform and SDK EclipseCon Community Day request for Speakers, Gerald Mitchell
  • [eclipse-dev] Java 19 support for Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25), Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse IDE Webinar, Lakshmi P Shanmugam
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) are available, Sravan K Lakkimsetti
  • [eclipse-dev] Master branch is open for 4.26 development, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC2 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Declare 4.25 RC2, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC2 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox RC1 (2022-09) is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 Sign-Off, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Review/Update of Readme for 4.25, Sarika Sinha
  • [eclipse-dev] Blocker issue for 4.25, Mickael Istria
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) RC1 reminder, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 is available, Samantha Dawley
  • [eclipse-dev] Eclipse and Equinox 4.25 (2022-09) M3 Sign-off, Samantha Dawley

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