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  • Re: [] Which will be the initial Versioning Number for the first version of Jakarta EE, (continued)
  • [] Jakarta EE logo selection - community vote results, Paul White
  • [] Mailing list config, Mark Thomas
  • [] JavaOne and EclipseCon Europe, Werner Keil
  • [] Fwd: [ee4j-community] Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK commiters, Elder Moraes
  • Re: [] [ee4j-community] Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK commiters, Bill Shannon
  • [] Fwd: Renaming the EE4J-community mailing list as, Paul White
  • [] Welcome to the Jakarta EE community mailing list, Eclipse Webmaster
  • [] Archives of / ee4j-community mailing list, Eclipse Webmaster

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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