On Saturday, May 5, 2018, reza_rahman <
reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That approach too is very impressive, and I think it could work even for a server model (vs fat jar model).
Indeed, plus Liberty support this approach as wel. Via its server.xml you can set which specs the server loads up, and then these (and only these) will be loaded.
If I’m not mistaken Liberty also includes the kind of tool so you can physically shrink the server to contain only these specs.
Since there already is support for this in the major servers and this is imho infinitely more powerful than any fixes profiles we can dream up, why not forget about new profiles (with exception of legacy free perhaps) and seriously look at adding this capability in some form to the Jakarta EE spec?
Kind regards,
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
Date: 5/5/18 10:53 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [jakarta.ee-community] A Composable Platform Over Profiles
This pruning is what WildFly Swarm does.
It detects what you are using (or you can specify it your self) and then an executable jar is created with just that (+ required dependencies)