P.S., excuse me for the long email, could not make it much shorter without losing the point. I tried.
If I may, I would like to suggest something but in order to do so, I will highlight few perspectives, as per my understanding, of what we are trying to achieve.
We want different profiles to support the following bold-lines:
1- Different sets of APIs (Full, Web, Micro,...)
2- Different deployment models (EAR, WAR, uber-jar, JAR)
3- Different servers types (embedded server, server, cloud, serverless, containers)
4- Different vendors implementing/supporting what they can/need in order to support their clients.
Now, in order for my idea to make sense, I would like to categorize the main points I highlighted earlier into:
1- API usage (point # 1) from applications' POV.
2- Deployment mode (points # 2, 3)
3- Effort to implement APIs (point # 4) from vendors' POV.
Also, keep in mind:
1- For each spec, we have a working reference implementation that, in many cases, vendors use in their server.
2- The idea behind OpenJ9. Different Java versions with different JVMs from different vendors (mix & match).
3- Current Java EE - Full profile is a group of APIs and different replaceable, in theory, implementations.
The idea simply is, which is a based on/combination of all ideas in recent thread(s):1- keep "full" profile only. Yes. ditch the profiles, but keep the nicknames for next point.,
2- standardize the current vendors' similar efforts of dynamically composing runtimes based on deployed applications.
Perhaps, as per latest discussion, let's have nicknames to ease
developers' and vendors' lives.
But I would also suggest that we can
add/remove to those nicknames as required. For example, (nickname: MicroProfile +
3- add and standardize servers' types (embedded, cloud, ...), and
in order to be able to minimize vendors' efforts, combine different
reference implementations into one reference implementation that vendors
can use and build upon.
There would be, of course, a "minimal" set of APIs that vendors must implement in order to be able to certify against the TCK and be a "vendor"
In case my idea is not clear, for each application, we would have three layers:
1st layer (on-top): application requiring certain set of APIs.
2nd layer (in-the-middle): Jakarta EE APIs (all of them = current full profile)
3rd layer (bottom): vendor's implementation of certain set of APIs + reference implementation of all other APIs.
1- Let's assume that we would like to deploy a WEB application without JPA support and ship it with an embedded server:
* The application would import WEB nickname and drop JPA support. (WEB minus JPA)
* Application would declare that server is embedded.
* During the build, vendor's tools would embed the server with
- all "Jakarta EE" APIs
- Only implementation of imported APIs with their dependencies, if any.
2- Let's assume that we have a legacy EAR that requires most of the APIs and would like to deploy it to on-premises server:
* Application would import 'all' APIs and define deployment model as 'EAR'.
* EAR is generated and deployed.
* Server loads all APIs (very much same as current EARs).
1- One "Jakarta EE" that is TCK compatible and certified. (nonetheless, vendors must certify against TCK as well).
2- One "Jakarta EE" platform that serves all customers' requirements.
3- Vendors implementing different parts of the technology based on requirements with the possibility to expand the effort at later times and still be TCK certified.
4- All major vendors support dynamically composing required APIs implementation based on applications' requirements. We are just standardizing it.
1- Possibility of having different vendors with exact implementation.
Again, sorry for the long email.