I honestly don't want to drag this on
too much and prefer other people chime in with what they think.
Imagine for a moment that someone wants to use Java EE MVC with
Spring or Guice for DI, etc. That would be a lot easier if you can
just do the bootstrap through a Servlet Filter or Listener -
that's what Spring, Guice, etc mostly rely on to do Java EE
bootstrap/integration. Now you'll need to do that some other way -
probably CDI/JAX-RS. You can basically make the same argument for
any Java EE API that mostly runs in a web environment. That's why
it's best to just treat Java SE and Servlet as the baseline the
best you can and try to stick to AtInject the best you can.
Of course none of this is black and white. It is though a matter
of accepting a practical reality that in order for Jakarta EE to
go anywhere now we have to acknowledge that we are basically
second-class citizens "in our own ecosystem". In a parallel
reality where we do not have the tragic history that Java EE does,
maybe we would have the luxury to behave otherwise. Will it really
do us favors if we live in that parallel reality? Or is it better
if we hedge our bets, make sure we retain some mind share in an
ecosystem we no longer control and still serve a narrower but
slowly growing population that does have real loyalty to the
platform as opposed to merely utilizing parts they think they
can't do without?
It's not easy, but that's the challenge if we are to really make
it. It has been for a dozen+ years now. Our altruism is no
accident I believe. There is a good chance we would have ceased to
exist otherwise.
On 5/3/2018 3:48 PM, Werner Keil wrote:
Not sure if Spring MVC relies on Servlet, it
probably does, but the "Jakarta EE" MVC standard does not, so a
pure RESTful Microservice or Self-Contained System (which also
may include a Web UI) can do with CDI, JAX-RS, JSON(P/B) and
where the UI is required something like "Ozark" (or whatever it
shall be called under Eclipse) MVC.
I can't see a mandatory Servlet requirement in the MVC RI,
so why force it onto a profile if that may not use it?
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