I sent this e-mail last week to JGit-dev mailing list, unfortunately without any reply. I have noticed that e-mail fell into spam, because of list of links. So I removed it and I am trying it again, now I am also adding
egit-dev mailing list into recipients.
Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Zdenek Ziegler and I work in Siemens, s.r.o. in Czech Republic. Maybe I met with some of you on EclipseCon this year.
Why do I message you… Maybe some of you know Andre Bossert, who is my colleague from Germany. He cooperated with your community in the past regarding the Git Worktree support.
IDs of his changes on Gerrit:
- 166647
- 163938
- 171267
- 163940
- 163939
He unfortunately was not able to complete his work. And his code was rejected by community. Since that he always rebase his code to the newer version of JGit/EGit and provide it at least for our internal usage. His last
rebase was for version corresponding to Eclipse 4.19. And it was working.
Now Andre is not able to support this anymore for us and I had to take his place without detailed handover. So with my poor knowledge about this project I was not able to make worktree support work. That leads to the reason
why am I sending this e-mail to you.
I would like to „continue“ with his initial work and make the Worktree support work again and provide it to the community in correct way afterwards. I would like to ask you.
Is there anybody who can support me with this? As I mentioned earlier I am not experienced with this plug-in and with the community workflow, but I am open to learn that, if there will be someone who will support me.
Of course, I can provide more information about current status of „our“ code in special e-mail or meeting via Teams.
Thank you for your reply in advance.
With best regards
Zdenek Ziegler