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eclipselink-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [eclipselink-dev] Design Doc: Bootstrapping Dynamic JAXB from EclipseLink OXM File, Rick Barkhouse
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN trunk commit: Bug#321763, 310820 - performance monitor, James Sutherland
  • Auto Reply: Auto Reply: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.0 cb build failed!, gordon . yorke
  • Auto Reply: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.0 cb build failed!, gordon . yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Additional MOXy External Metadata Work, David McCann
  • [eclipselink-dev] Committer Meeting today cancelled, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 316045, Christopher Delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] appears down..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.2.0 M1 Complete..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] bugs 320413 and 320643 - batching on MySQL - please review, Goerler, Adrian
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 309142 - ScrollableCursor hasNext() throws DB exception instead of returning false at end of iteration, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] batch writing, Statement vs PreparedStatement batch, Goerler, Adrian
  • [eclipselink-dev] org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockException vs javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException, Goerler, Adrian
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 319276 - history does not work with bi-directional 1-1 mappings, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] building OSGi bundles, Goerler, Adrian
  • Auto Reply: RE: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.1 nightly build has test failures! Signing failed. P2 not generated!, david . mccann
  • Auto Reply: Auto Reply: Auto Reply: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.1 nightly build has test failures! Signing failed. P2 not generated!, david . mccann
  • Auto Reply: Auto Reply: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.1 nightly build has test failures! Signing failed. P2 not generated!, denise . mahar
  • Auto Reply: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.1 nightly build has test failures! Signing failed. P2 not generated!, david . mccann
  • [eclipselink-dev] bug 317197, Goerler, Adrian
  • [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 2.1 nightly build failed!, eric . gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 312947 ready for review, Shaun Smith
  • [eclipselink-dev] 7770 trunk build failure on Task, Michael O'Brien
  • [eclipselink-dev] compile.modelgen.path, Goerler, Adrian

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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