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  • Re: [ecf-dev] How to run XMPP tests locally?, (continued)
  • [ecf-dev] regarding video chat - specific google services provider, nuwan sam
  • [ecf-dev] Automatically reconnect to XMPP server, Jörg Rathlev
  • [ecf-dev] NNTP Protocol, Newsreader Application, Wim Jongman
  • [ecf-dev] build easier next steps, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] FYI: Google Wave Federation Prototype Server, Mustafa Isik
  • [ecf-dev] Update: Specific Google Services provider for ECF, nuwan sam
  • [ecf-dev] Can I use RCF119 without service discovery?, Wojciech Galanciak
  • [ecf-dev] Reminder: ECF conference call tomorrow/thur 7/30, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] debug popup window in XMPP, Roland Matha
  • [ecf-dev] new account, Ted Kubaska
  • [ecf-dev] News from the REST API, Holger Staudacher
  • [ecf-dev] TweetHub Updates, James Sugrue
  • [ecf-dev] News about the Smack API 3.1 Patch, Roland Matha
  • Invitation - ECF Build Discussion - Was: Proposed date Monday 07/20 3pm UTC (was Re: [ecf-dev] ECF build v2 -- Build easier), Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] [Fwd: TweetHub Updates], Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Discontinue XMPP on, Markus Alexander Kuppe
  • [ecf-dev] Problem with the connection between two plugins in the same Eclipse instance - Remote Services API, Wojciech Galanciak
  • [ecf-dev] ECF build v2 -- Build easier, Scott Lewis

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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