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  • Re: [ecf-dev] IServiceListener API break, (continued)
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Securing OSGi Remote Services implemented using ECF, by Timothy Vogel, forums-noreply
  • [ecf-dev] Raspberry Pi GPIO tutorials, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Http Browsing, by Ed Merks, forums-noreply
  • [ecf-dev] Raspberry Pi GPIO Output and Input, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Update on OSGi RSA work and ECF 3.9, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Zookeeper discovery, Alex Blewitt
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Reuse Eclipse proxy handling when making HTTP connections, by Marcel Bruch, forums-noreply
  • [ecf-dev] Zoodiscovery Centralized Server, Muammer Eroğlu
  • [ecf-dev] Authentication when using DS for Remote Services?, J Langley
  • [ecf-dev] GSOC Status Report, sakith indula
  • [ecf-dev] pi4j and OSGi (remote) services, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] update on OSGi RSA 1.1 impl, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] jenkins project test failing, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] RemoteService with XMPP with Luna, Guillaume PRIN
  • [ecf-dev] rsa 1.1 merged to master, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Raspberry Pi remote services?, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Why does the httpclient4 feature require source bundles?, Thomas Hallgren
  • [ecf-dev] Service setup for integration testing remote service, Peter Hermsdorf
  • [ecf-dev] ECF 3.8.1/Luna released, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Fwd: Call for Presentations Now Open ­ OSGi Community Event 2014 ­ Oct. 28-30, 2104, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Exception Handling of Remote Calls, Peter Hermsdorf
  • [ecf-dev] Fwd: Skype Provider Info, Luis Silveira
  • [ecf-dev] Luna final daze, OSGi R6 and ECF 3.9.0, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Luna quiet week, Scott Lewis

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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