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December 01, 2008
12:34 [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 256697 Matt MacIvor
12:01 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
11:29 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for Bug 256296: Reconnectfailswhen session loses connectivity and Bug 256284: ClosinganEMF where the database is unavailable results indeploymentexception on redeploy Andrei Ilitchev
November 30, 2008
20:13 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for Bug 256296: Reconnect failswhen session loses connectivity and Bug 256284: Closing anEMF where the database is unavailable results in deploymentexception on redeploy Andrei Ilitchev
November 28, 2008
13:07 [eclipselink-dev] [Proposal] - New EclipseLink Incubation Component Douglas Clarke
November 27, 2008
21:09 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for Bug 256296: Reconnect fails when session loses connectivity and Bug 256284: Closing an EMF where the database is unavailable results in deployment exception on redeploy Gordon Yorke
15:09 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for Bug 256296: Reconnect failswhen session loses connectivity and Bug 256284: Closing anEMF where the database is unavailable results in deploymentexception on redeploy Andrei Ilitchev
14:18 [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for Bug 256296: Reconnect fails when session loses connectivity and Bug 256284: Closing an EMF where the database is unavailable results in deployment exception on redeploy Andrei Ilitchev
14:14 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Patch for bug 256686 - test-oxm and test-jaxb fails with JDK 1.5 EDWIN . TANG
14:08 [eclipselink-dev] Patch for bug 256686 - test-oxm and test-jaxb fails with JDK 1.5 EDWIN . TANG
10:59 [eclipselink-dev] move DBWSException to core to avoid non-OSGi compliant split packages (bug 256695) Mike Norman
09:03 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues - use 2829 Michael O'Brien
November 26, 2008
17:26 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 253258: NullPointerException querying class using joined inheritance and setting firstResult or MaxResults on the query christopher delahunt
15:50 [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: Bug#251594 - query hints James Sutherland
14:59 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 241681 - SessionBroker does not propagate settings to ClientSessionBroker Tom Ware
14:19 [eclipselink-dev] fix checked in for JPA testing on MySQL Kevin Yuan
11:56 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues - use 2827 Michael O'Brien
11:43 [eclipselink-dev] Query Hints James Sutherland
11:17 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues - use 2827 Michael O'Brien
10:40 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues James Sutherland
10:35 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues Eric Gwin
10:35 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues James Sutherland
10:19 [eclipselink-dev] Build issues James Sutherland
06:47 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Query results Gordon Yorke
November 25, 2008
16:55 [eclipselink-dev] Fix for 256452. Please READ. Eric Gwin
16:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
09:59 [eclipselink-dev] Welcome Kevin Yuan as a new rt.eclipselink Committer portal on behalf of Peter Krogh
09:52 [eclipselink-dev] Welcome Yiping Zhao as a new rt.eclipselink Committer portal on behalf of Peter Krogh
09:23 Re: [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests David McCann
November 24, 2008
14:26 [eclipselink-dev] Query results James Sutherland
13:20 RE: [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests EDWIN . TANG
12:32 RE: [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests Michael O'Brien
11:59 Re: [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests David McCann
11:51 Re: [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests Tom Ware
11:48 [eclipselink-dev] SDO - WLS Server tests David McCann
11:09 [eclipselink-dev] fyi, Eclipse Wiki images missing, sized wrong and reverted to older versions - starting this morning Michael O'Brien
09:19 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. Tom Ware
November 21, 2008
16:23 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. Eric Gwin
15:09 [eclipselink-dev] Fixed bug 225621: wls, was, ... server platforms do not work, missing code Andrei Ilitchev
13:56 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. Michael O'Brien
13:52 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. EDWIN . TANG
13:40 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. Tom Ware
13:35 [eclipselink-dev] Question about external dependencies. Eric Gwin
11:11 [eclipselink-dev] Reviewed: Fix for 255978: [Build]: add build-eclipselink-jar target to replace older package-eclipselink-jar functionality (skip building tests) Michael O'Brien
November 20, 2008
10:06 [eclipselink-dev] Fix for 255978: [Build]: add build-eclipselink-jar target to replace older package-eclipselink-jar functionality (skip building tests) Michael O'Brien
04:13 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Mark Struberg
November 19, 2008
17:09 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for the core part of bug 248293:JPA 2.0 Element Collections Andrei Ilitchev
17:09 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 255832 Sebastien Tardif
13:16 [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 255832 Matt MacIvor
10:23 Re: [eclipselink-dev] CollectionTableMapMapping High Level Design Tom Ware
November 18, 2008
21:05 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build status... Eric Gwin
17:18 [eclipselink-dev] Proposed patch for the core part of bug 248293: JPA 2.0 Element Collections Andrei Ilitchev
16:03 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
15:07 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build status... Eric Gwin
11:14 [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: Bug#251594 Add missing query hints James Sutherland
11:08 [eclipselink-dev] Build status... Eric Gwin
00:15 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
November 17, 2008
21:55 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
19:15 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
15:03 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
14:24 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Guy Pelletier
14:03 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
12:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
11:25 RE: [eclipselink-dev] CollectionTableMapMapping High Level Design James Sutherland
11:20 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Mark Struberg
11:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
10:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
01:10 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
November 14, 2008
13:45 [eclipselink-dev] CollectionTableMapMapping High Level Design Tom Ware
12:36 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds Eric Gwin
12:16 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
12:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
November 13, 2008
10:59 [eclipselink-dev] Fix for 248746: JMX: Add getModuleName()/getApplicationName() to MBeans Michael O'Brien
01:11 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
November 12, 2008
18:02 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
17:37 [eclipselink-dev] fix checked in for bug 254946 christopher delahunt
15:04 [eclipselink-dev] Bugs 211690 and 211691 - LIMIT support on MySQL and PostGreSQL Tom Ware
14:34 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Guy Pelletier
12:29 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Mark Struberg
10:03 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question aboutEmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Guy Pelletier
06:04 [eclipselink-dev] Question about EmbeddedAccessor#processEmbeddableClass() Mark Struberg
November 11, 2008
15:57 [eclipselink-dev] fix checked in for bug 254937 christopher delahunt
14:38 [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: Bug#247022 performance James Sutherland
November 10, 2008
11:00 RE: [eclipselink-dev] what do you think of the following @Embedded extension Mark Struberg
11:00 RE: [eclipselink-dev] what do you think of the following @Embedded extension Mark Struberg
09:07 RE: [eclipselink-dev] what do you think of the following @Embedded extension James Sutherland
November 09, 2008
17:36 [eclipselink-dev] what do you think of the following @Embedded extension Mark Struberg
November 07, 2008
16:27 [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 254650 Matt MacIvor
15:24 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 248142 - [Build]: Need to build the javax.persistence_1.99.0.jar nightly Eric Gwin
11:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
10:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
09:50 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 211690 - Add support for MySQL LIMIT Tom Ware
November 05, 2008
10:29 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds Tom Ware
10:09 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds Eric Gwin
00:00 [eclipselink-dev] Project meta data is out of date for rt.eclipselink portal on behalf of emo
November 04, 2008
18:11 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
18:10 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
18:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
16:00 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh
15:01 [eclipselink-dev] Build Failed - EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds peter . krogh

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