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  • Re: [ecf-dev] Proposed: ECF conference call next Monday, 4/15, (continued)
  • [ecf-dev] Fwd: [Bug 386286] Enable Gerrit for ECF project, Markus Alexander Kuppe
  • [ecf-dev] httpclient 4 for rest API, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] builds are currently broken, Markus Alexander Kuppe
  • [ecf-dev] ECF 3.6.0 release, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] ECF 3.6.0, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called ApacheMQ Provider, by Robert Onslow, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Namespace issue on createContainer, by Robert Onslow, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] Helpwanted: ECF 3.6.0 review materials, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called parameter selection in option box , by senthil kumar, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] Access to restricted, Markus
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Multiple topics for DistributedEventAdmin, by Robert Onslow, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Preventing Remote Services from timing out, by Greg Babcock, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] Realtime sharing feature, Youssef Mohammed
  • [ecf-dev] xmpp server on osuosl machine?, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] rest api change?, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Using ECF to create a osgi cloud..., Chris Hawk
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called ECF container does not get activated with Gemini Blueprint, by Joerg Saini, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] Commit rights for Pierre-Henry Perret have been expired, portal on behalf of emo
  • [ecf-dev] ECF conference all/ECF 3.6 plan, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] L-HEAD-sdk.tests.feature failing in builder, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] question about test run, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] ECF 3.6 Planning, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called ECF Generic server is connecting to the wrong host, by Greg Babcock, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] Race conditions when exposing services?, Pablo García Sánchez
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called Simple ECF Application doesnt work, by Hans Werner, webmaster
  • [ecf-dev] ECF plan for 3.6 - please read, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] Planing item: Extend DNSSD discovery provider, Markus Alexander Kuppe
  • [ecf-dev] ssl-based generic provider, Scott Lewis
  • [ecf-dev] NegativeArraySizeException while running, Bertheau
  • [ecf-dev] New topic in forum Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF), called [ECF/R-OSGi] java.lang.IllegalAccessError after several remote service call, by ben ben, webmaster

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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