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  • [wtp-dev] Screen scraping and other changes coming to releng, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] How to get "src" folder?, Ian Trimble
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.4 plan for committer/community review, Timothy Deboer
  • [wtp-dev] WTP Related Activities at EclipseCon2007, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Nominating Bob Fraser as WTP website committer, Timothy Deboer
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 M5 declared - S-2.0M5-200702230758, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] New feature targeted for 2.0 M6: Tagging J2EE project classpath entries for publish/export, Rob Frost
  • [wtp-dev] [OT] Thanks for your work in WTP, Emmanouil Batsis
  • [wtp-dev] Announcing WTP 1.5.3, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 M5 Shutdown Plans, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Our last minute plans for JEM code in our M5, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Where did JEM go?, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 M5 I Build Declared (with caveats) -- I-I200702152002-200702152002, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: [cross-project-issues-dev] Eclipse 3.2.2 / Callisto maintenance now available (WTP 1.5.3 available), John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] JEE5 Working Group Meeting: No Call this week., Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Adopter Adoption migration to collect, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] New and Noteworthy for M5, Nitin Dahyabhai
  • [wtp-dev] Namespace URI's on JSP dom objects, Cameron Bateman
  • [wtp-dev] Hundres of compilation errors in two of the latest I-Builds..., Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] FW: WTP and usability, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] Converting the Web Tools Web site to Phoenix, Bob Fraser
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly WTP Builds Declared 1.5.3 RC and 2.0 I, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] I am new., Naresh
  • [wtp-dev] Faceted Project Framework API to use Java 5 language features, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder of 1.5.3's tight schedule this week, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Incrementing plugin version for facet.core and facet.ui plugins, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 Ramp Down Policy, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly WTP 1.5.3 M Build Declared -- M-1.5.3-200702021630, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 Weekly I Build Declared -- I-I200702011746-200702011746, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Utilizing ICU4J in Eclipse, Amy Wu
  • [wtp-dev] Help offer for weekly testing, Raev, Kaloyan
  • [wtp-dev] JEE 5 Working Group Meeting - Agenda - New Call Info, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] WTP facets / Module group membership, Rob Stryker
  • [wtp-dev] JEE 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Exception occurs while try to invoke Axis2 default version service through WTP web services client, Lahiru Sandakith
  • [wtp-dev] M and I builds declared, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Please take note of WTP 1.5.3 feature versions, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] wiki workaround, a wikiround, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] New Development process and IP policy, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] API question for webtools projects, Rob Stryker
  • [wtp-dev] Upcoming WTP 1.5.3 PMC Defect Review, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Unused and Misused WTP Extension Points, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly WTP 2.0 M5 I Build declared - I-I200701180628-200701180628, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.3 M Build Declared - M-1.5.3-200701181631, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Eclipse Corner Article proposal that needs input from EMF/WTP, Wayne Beaton
  • [wtp-dev] Regrets for WTP Status Call, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] JEE5 Working Group Meeting, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Getting the XML model from an XML file, Suresh Krishna
  • [wtp-dev] Time for New & Noteworthy, Nitin Dahyabhai

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