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  • Re: [cbi-dev] CBI Eclipse Platform moved, (continued)
  • [cbi-dev] Juno packages using CBI platform, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] CBI news, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Unresolveable build extension error when building Eclipse 4.x, Thanh Ha
  • [cbi-dev] Define a naming scheme for artifacts in the Maven Repository of, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Bugzilla products for CBI, LTS, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Updated image for our discussion., Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Orbit,, etc., Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] CBI & LTS face to face session at EclipseCon, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Minutes from Feb. 7, 2012 call, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] tycho and qualifiers, Paul Webster
  • Re: [cbi-dev] cbi-dev Digest, Vol 3, Issue 4, Herbert.Neureiter
  • [cbi-dev] How to consume eclipse orbit libraries in maven build, Herbert.Neureiter
  • [cbi-dev] Tomorrow's call: LTS Readiness definition, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Minutes for CBI meeting January 24, 2012, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Today's CBI-dev call, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] LTS-ready, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] Raw Minutes from today's CBI call, Andrew Ross
  • [cbi-dev] R3 prototype build, Paul Webster
  • [cbi-dev] running automated tests for SDK built with Tycho, Igor Fedorenko
  • Re: [cbi-dev] Fwd: eclipse platform tycho build setup instructions, Andrew Overholt

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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