Hi Everyone,
Today's call at 10am EST will be using (testing) the new Eclipse
Foundation conference facility.
This facility, based on Asterisk, is much more cost effective than
our usual conference facility.
This is the largest call yet for this facility. I don't expect
issues, but planning just in case.
Should we run into trouble, check the cbi-dev mailing list for
1-877-253-0615, then 320 for the conference number,
then 8276 for the pin
* Note: do not hit # after 320 or it'll complain you entered the pin
wrong. Just in case you do, just re-enter the pin and you'll be
Today's agenda:
1) Quick FYI, new hire release engineer, Thanh Ha, joining Feb.27th
2) Test results & bundle comparison see:
3) Known differences between CBI prototype build & PDE build
Add license feature support to Tycho, then license feature
handling in the platform pom.xml's
Add source bundle handling to platform build
@qualifier@ replacement/handling in platform build (Bug 369497)
Not necessarily on agenda, still being tracked as work left to
a) Platform specific code swt & launchers
b) Pushing pom.xml files and other changes back to platform
c) Which execution environments will CBI build & test against
d) Hooking up the CBI platform build to maven.eclipse.org,
e) Hudson jobs for the CBI build of the platform
f) API Analysis
Talk with you soon,