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nebula-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [nebula-dev] Nebula Build, (continued)
  • [nebula-dev] +1 for Peter Centgraf, portal on behalf of Chris Gross
  • [nebula-dev] Vote for Committer status for Peter Centgraf has started, portal on behalf of Jeremy Dowdall
  • [nebula-dev] Requesting Approval for 3 new widgets into Nebula, Emil Crumhorn
  • [nebula-dev] Changes in Gallery widget, Králík
  • [nebula-dev] Grid - VIRTUAL + WordWrap awesome!!, Ivan Ooi
  • [nebula-dev] Questions from an interested developer..., Redefined Horizons
  • [nebula-dev] org.eclipse.swt.nebula.examples broken, Nicolas Richeton
  • [nebula-dev] The future of PGroup, Adrian Custer
  • [nebula-dev] Grid - Column alignment not working. under line item is that possible ?, Ivan Ooi
  • [nebula-dev] Grid - Support multiple lines in a GridItem and SWT.VIRTUAL ?, Ivan Ooi
  • [nebula-dev] [FormattedText] Great! The DateTimeFormater work great!, Ivan Ooi
  • [nebula-dev] Nebula stats, Nicolas Richeton
  • [nebula-dev] Build process not working ?, Eric Wuillai
  • [nebula-dev] Re: CompositeTable - moving forward, André Dietisheim
  • [nebula-dev] Move Zest to a new home, Ian Bull
  • [nebula-dev] [CompositeTable] InternalCompositeTable.currentRow(), David J. Orme
  • [nebula-dev] [CompositeTable] InternalCompositeTable.currentRow() failure, Peter Centgraf
  • [nebula-dev] Novocode Controls, Peter Centgraf
  • [nebula-dev] Redesigning Nebula index page - Committer Action Required, Christopher J Gross
  • [nebula-dev] Grid, Ralph Schreder
  • [nebula-dev] [CompositeTable] Selection/Check + Viewer API, Peter Centgraf
  • [nebula-dev] Nightly build, Chris Gross
  • [nebula-dev] Status of Grid, Buoy, Chris
  • [nebula-dev] draw2d/gc cells? (Andr? Dietisheim), David J. Orme
  • [nebula-dev] [CompositeTable] draw2d/gc cells?, David J. Orme
  • [nebula-dev] JFace-Viewer-API finished, Tom Schindl

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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