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  • Re: [cdt-dev] CDT Summit (was: Minutes April Conf Call), (continued)
  • [cdt-dev] generic refresh event in DSF, Alexiev, Dobrin
  • [cdt-dev] CLang error recovery, Alex Blewitt
  • [cdt-dev] RE: Codan and CDT6.0, Kaestel-Baumgartner Harald (DCC/EDF2)
  • [cdt-dev] Fwd: Reminder: CDT Monthly Call @ Tue Apr 6 11am - 12pm (cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx), Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] AUTO: Christine Mitterbauer/MicroDoc is out of the office. (returning 19.04.2010), cbo
  • [cdt-dev] Codan quick fixes, Marc-Andre Laperle
  • [cdt-dev] gcc debug option, John Cortell
  • [cdt-dev] developing linux setuid application in Eclipse, Tim Black
  • [cdt-dev] Changing debugging 'restart' icon, Marc Khouzam
  • [cdt-dev] Re: Codan and CDT6.0 ?, Kaestel-Baumgartner Harald (DCC/EDF2)
  • [cdt-dev] implements IManagedOptionValueHandler, Flo Menier
  • [cdt-dev] AUTO: John S Liu is out of the office (returning 04/07/2010), John S Liu
  • [cdt-dev] Problem specifying path to Debugger script in Debug Configuration, Tim Black
  • [cdt-dev] problem specifying path to "C/C++ Application Path" in Debug Configuration in CDT 7.0/Eclipse 3.6M6, Tim Black
  • [cdt-dev] +1 for L. Frank Turovich on tools.cdt, portal on behalf of Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] Vote for Committer status for L. Frank Turovich has started, portal on behalf of Ken Ryall
  • [cdt-dev] The old problem of buffering in the console (Windows), Omer Strulovich
  • [cdt-dev] EDC on 64-bit Linux?, Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] Empty Project & Template Associations, Adams, Jim
  • [cdt-dev] Codan and CDT6.0 ?, Kaestel-Baumgartner Harald (DCC/EDF2)
  • [cdt-dev] Something for DSF GDB feature-parity with CDI GDB?, Elmenthaler, Jens

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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