Attendees: Marc (Ericsson), James (Broadcom), Leo (Intel), Pawel
(Wind River), Bill (Intel), John (Freescale), Jeff (Red Hat), Mikhail
(CodeSourcery), Elena (QNX), Ken (Nokia), and probably a few others.
- 7.0 Status
-- DSF/GDB parity (Marc)
--- progress is good but slowing
--- Need to prioritize what's left, do big things by RC0, littler
"bugs" by release, and then even to Sept's 7.0.1.
--- Engage the community via the newsgroup to get beta testers and to
help with prioritization
-- Supported toolchains (Doug)
--- We should finally defined a set of recommended version line ups for
gcc for the various hosts we support
--- Document it in the user docs, and on the web site
--- Define versions for Cygwin, MinGW (Wascana), select Linux distros,
-- New & Noteworthy (Doug)
--- Doug to start and get input from team
- EclipseCon Recap
-- A good time was had by all
-- Hope more can make it next time
-- A great place to meet other CDT contributors and even a few users
and learn about other Eclipse technologies
- CDT Summit
-- We skipped last year due to travel restrictions
-- It would be good to start it up again this year
--- again in the fall (late Sept?) before going too deep into next
-- Need an agenda and a location
-- Agenda items could include:
--- Debug wars part deux (DSF/GDB versus DSF/EDC/TCF versus Flex
Hierarchy/EDC2/TCF or something)
--- Codan checker-fest
--- Supporting real developers, CDT as an end-user IDE rather than
platform, e.g. Wascana, Mac, Qt, Linux, Embedded-cross
--- What to do with profiling/trace
-- Locations could include anywhere but best if one of the vendors
--- We've done Ottawa and Toronto in the past. Austin is another
-- Who can make it?
Let us know if I missed