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  • [cdt-dev] UI for setting MinGW location, Doug Schaefer
  • Re: [cdt-dev] Issue with register view for a multicore heterogeneous system, pvuser pvuser
  • [cdt-dev] CDT 8.3 Release Review material, Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] [GCC Flags] - compilation flags per file, Rafael Peria de Sene
  • [cdt-dev] Finding ICPPClassType for this from the AST, Andrew Eidsness
  • [cdt-dev] macro definitions for static analysis, Rodrigo
  • [cdt-dev] Issue with register view for a multicore heterogeneous system, pvuser pvuser
  • [cdt-dev] FW: Reminder: CDT Monthly Call @ Tue Jan 7, 2014 11am - 12pm (cdtdoug@xxxxxxxxx), Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] Ralph Barth/AEH/DBS/GDB ist außer Haus. <Original subject: 'cdt-dev Digest, Vol 107, Issue 1'>, Ralph . Barth
  • [cdt-dev] how to extend scanner - CPreProcessor, Swapna Pawar
  • [cdt-dev] Programmatically editing the build command for a makefile project, Wyatt Spear
  • [cdt-dev] Bug with macros, Alec Teal
  • [cdt-dev] Updated GDBStandalone wiki for how to try out the standalone debugger based on the CDT, Jeff Johnston
  • [cdt-dev] Weird indexing behaviour, Alec Teal
  • [cdt-dev] Getting rid of non-existant errors, question about recognition of C++ standard things., Alec Teal
  • [cdt-dev] Fw: [epp-dev] Testing Luna M4 packages, Doug Schaefer
  • [cdt-dev] Reg: Array subscript of a C program using Eclipse CDT, Haseena L.
  • [cdt-dev] Memory usage during indexing, Andrew Eidsness
  • [cdt-dev] EnvironmentTab in org.eclipse.cdt.launch.remote, Xavier Raynaud
  • [cdt-dev] ★ Mitteilung lesen bevor sie gelöscht wird!, Patrick Hofer
  • [cdt-dev] LR parser, Nathan Ridge
  • [cdt-dev] indexer timeout while debugging index tests, Nathan Ridge
  • [cdt-dev] Intermittend test failures on HIPP, Marc Khouzam
  • [cdt-dev] CDT Summit plans, Marc Khouzam
  • [cdt-dev] CPreprocessor ignore macro expantions in included files, Azab, Mohamed
  • [cdt-dev] FW: [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: cdt-master #42, Marc-André Laperle

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