The cdt_8_3 branch has been created.
Hey gang,
There was mention some of us wanted an 8.3 branch created soon. I’d be happy do to that once we get the final build done. There’s one outstanding change request from Teodor. I’ll kick off the build at around 5 p.m.
We’ll then ramp down 8.3 on the branch. I’ll set up nightly builds there and we’ll keep those going even post the 8.3 release. Adopters who need fixes there and can’t wait until 8.4 can continue to pull the bits from our 8.3 build location. But please
be wary of the ramp down. You may want to put riskier fixes off until after the 8.3 release.
BTW, I’ve finished the release review material. Thank you to every one who’s contributed to the new and noteworthy. The review material is here:
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see there or any errors I’ve made (it was kinda rushed).
Let me know if this works or doesn’t work for you or if you have any questions.