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  • Re: [cbi-dev] Next steps to setting up Jenkins, (continued)
  • [cbi-dev] Maven Central connection resets, Christoph Daniel Schulze
  • [cbi-dev] Jenkins & Java 10 Hackathon, Tracy Miranda
  • [cbi-dev] Jenkins web interface seems down, LE MENEZ Quentin
  • [cbi-dev] Microprofile Jenkins release job fails on git access rights, Pavol Loffay
  • [cbi-dev] Microprofile Jenkins is down, please fix it, Pavol Loffay
  • [cbi-dev] signing up for new JIPP (CloudBees CJE on top of Red Hat’s OpenShift), Jakub Siberski
  • [cbi-dev] Yesterday's Open Call on YouTube, Denis Roy
  • [cbi-dev] Reminder: Build Infra Call tomorrow, May 9 at 10am EDT, Denis Roy
  • [cbi-dev] Invitation: CBI: Jenkins Entreprise Migration Open Call @ Wed May 9, 2018 10am - 12pm (EDT) (cbi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx), denis . roy
  • [cbi-dev] CBI/Jenkins improvements - Open Call May 9, Denis Roy
  • [cbi-dev] CBI - Upcoming changes in Jenkins/JIPP infrastructure, Frederic Gurr
  • [cbi-dev] Docker on Jenkins Dash, Yamini K B
  • [cbi-dev] wrapper script does not seem to be touching the log file, Jakub Siberski
  • [cbi-dev] CBI Maven plugins version 1.1.5 have been released, Mikaël Barbero
  • [cbi-dev] JIPP docker: command not found, Jakub Siberski
  • [cbi-dev] CBI appears as incubating?, David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] Planning for Maven plugins 1.1.5, Mikaël Barbero
  • [cbi-dev] installing non-general-purpose tools on JIPP, Jonah Graham
  • [cbi-dev] coverity scan support, Jose Cabral
  • [cbi-dev] Are TCP/IP ports shared between JIPP instances, Jonah Graham
  • [cbi-dev] keeping JIPP up to date, Jonah Graham
  • [cbi-dev] Support for complex build pipelines?, Samuel Audet
  • [cbi-dev] Pipeline as a code questions., Torresbrown, Sebastian (GE Digital)
  • [cbi-dev] New environment variables on CI instances, Mikaël Barbero
  • [cbi-dev] Success building an Eclipse plugin project on with Jenkinsfile, Mickael Istria
  • [cbi-dev] Alternative to Jenkins file, Mickael Istria
  • [cbi-dev] Contents of build:/shared/cbi, Denis Roy
  • [cbi-dev] Java 9 on hudson?, Sievers, Jan
  • [cbi-dev] Pushing snapshots from TravisCI to, Mickael Istria

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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