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Re: [cbi-dev] Jenkins web interface seems down
  • From: Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2018 16:41:48 -0400
  • Autocrypt: addr=denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsBNBFSQVYcBCACphCllQd59H3sF23T1XUD8h6pNPvRwuKKpfcwTAL7qe98PbMBQBLuy3ocj 04PcvlRj8lCR9JmChFc9V5Bi61MTdCrshEbiyomw/ZWdfFbmc4/rlMWg00gTO94SP0zMl96x np0aNi8cGwD258NUVD1+tlvraukr6yixD25qCGQ313lOO71l1R8eJun/Kx7SEFXtMFJ7Er4r /QnfFioFFwWGiUXbGhioCZhggQWnq3U+LOZzGKp0SuWSQuu0RzQB57Fy8EN2bmX61EKGaFnr TR/8yk8EdifupYgDc6XCxndktFJYFse4v4XQSPNIIUwcBT/Ji732xdXiR4YnL0SNAVBDABEB AAHNNkRlbmlzIFJveSAoRWNsaXBzZSkgPGRlbmlzLnJveUBlY2xpcHNlLWZvdW5kYXRpb24u b3JnPsLAeAQTAQIAIgUCWWjoCAIbAwYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQQI23 cA21ZyMHGgf/THQqUR43XqUhSytf3q0Wmq1KBCDUpLXQYfpe1uh464robj4iUsoCMDhlEzbU uy0p+de87aVv68ZGRPOlz0oIt80NZbHxLErhunjFGhJvnw/V5jf2lYThiWysDcQMUSIGERuy 3wIyVFVF4RDZB4jjvrPvQ/dy+x+mN38t76C8x5sp4oup19sy9u4EUzPpEInBNs8ADoKO9kOl ZbTOkIFSqC4aI0yABRMbur+mks+b9IaVVQytK4zlzTROuBNHnjx6kgfAV5L8ezQpgBkVLrLw HwB+Rmsnx/qbRXrRmESiiD6aVQQntkfj0zXK/XzMpm1+9qxA8TBj6nFXo/ivNqDx7M7ATQRU kFWHAQgAy/xnfKzcxiCyHtP2a3mbRW04xMwDoLWj+3khfudiHgQWNLDiN/oTAJag5cOrh17L ewRDuhEctJ71Nb+bkMNHvJvq5KC0oB1x54ocQGa493Q/9irIYaEbXVcVqyggmTO6lPvLcA9+ mdQZNvfFlnxS05z+c2CvNNqhgrFU4xS6MTuGEA6oduha0mbDodPKNBh8MkL7OjlYO/44H4l0 MsBYJ57QhQqeOVv1C8Sc2hstk8ZcCc3G2W29Beh0Li5WFYf7F8L0JtxuDSLGisWJL5cAZvdE Zrd/BNAOE02+fANl9iYkX+pG1rjYMdtm/UpLo38jovcyWhOc+TE7qab72wO8iQARAQABwsBf BBgBAgAJBQJUkFWHAhsMAAoJEECNt3ANtWcjxEMH/Rer0weIKA1jV72FNQpHaKuGuUmqW6ak qQHSRKZEECjTa9E1M/Mvdr21qE/zYR7tFD9zc2wqhxBDBD8azKQLZo2TSTnqyUPdr2Dy3KFS FoavCvaVzEt7c3sA/TxXWXQhxGJL56yj2VZaF+k7j/DtYl6nG62bS0rQbg/3/RllmXa51QIT V5ZPnTo6NFJ5K3lbn7EoQbVT2LdkPmabPqw6DT+ZjQlJS3Q8iI0wSoS6r9D7QQG/VaeKGjoK TRDRn/5YUnof4vjpao8jIRMJ+5RBlRto96jwt7hfNm842GsqT4ddMyYmTLGnYLUae9rl2GmN ahBMbQ9PB8Ta/DeCpIxpOyk=
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Unrelated to the outage this morning, we're having issues with one specific host: hipp5.

Our investigations are leading to a dead end, but I do have a hunch. I'm tempted to move all its hosted instances onto other hosts and allocate that node to the new CBI infra we're building. I think it will perform better there.

Anyway -- more to come on that subject. In the meanwhile, I apologize for the inconvenience and assure you we're working on it.


On 2018-06-05 04:36 PM, Jonah Graham wrote:
Denis, I assume your email had referred to Bug 535543 which is now resolved, so I have raised Bug 535569 to cover this new problem.

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

On 5 June 2018 at 21:24, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Denis,

I have received a couple of these error on, is this the error you are looking into?

This happened when saving configuration or creating new jenkins items. The actual operation worked (i.e. the new item was correctly created and/or saved)

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cdt/view/Main/createItem.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

On 5 June 2018 at 14:34, Denis Roy <> wrote:

The five servers that serve "" get randomly overloaded with requests. They are shared with Wiki, so wiki and ci can often appear Flaky at the same time.

We are looking into this. We think one (or several) individual JIPPs may be getting overwhelmed with requests, and the five "" servers are simply queuing the incoming requests (which will never be fulfilled).


On 2018-06-05 09:17 AM, LE MENEZ Quentin wrote:

Yep it’s been acting up all morning but seems to be back for me now too !

Thanks to anyone that made this happen J





De : cbi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <cbi-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> De la part de Jonah Graham
Envoyé : mardi 5 juin 2018 15:04
À : Common-build Developers discussion <cbi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [cbi-dev] Jenkins web interface seems down


Earlier today was reporting JIPP/CI Website as "Flaky" but it is working for me now. The Wiki is still flaky, I believe it is due to the current load on the database servers.

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.


On 5 June 2018 at 13:57, LE MENEZ Quentin <quentin.lemenez@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Everyone,


I can't seem to access the web interface for the CI services (Papyrus - Hipp 9). Even the root times out on me.

I tried to restart the instance but to no avail.


Anyone else have this problem ?





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