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  • Re: [cbi-dev] Pushing snapshots from TravisCI to, (continued)
  • [cbi-dev] CBI HIPP migration, Frederic Gurr
  • [cbi-dev] Pushing files to Eclipse download section, DRUILHE Rémi 240961
  • [cbi-dev] Oxygen (4.7) based builds of aggregator and analyzers, David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] A mirror seems erroneous, Mickael Istria
  • [cbi-dev] Jenkins credentials plugin, Ondrej Mihályi
  • [cbi-dev] Continuous Integration best practices wiki page, Frederic Gurr
  • [cbi-dev] Nexus Mirror, Woodard, David
  • [cbi-dev] Proxy removal, Denis Roy
  • Re: [cbi-dev] List of Eclipse mirror sites?, David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] A "Neon.3" version of CBI p2repo aggregator is available redux, David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] A "Neon.3" version of CBI p2repo aggregator is available, David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] [pdt-dev] Hudson doesn't work anymore, thierry blind
  • [cbi-dev] upgrading to jarsigner v1.1.3, Christian Pontesegger
  • [cbi-dev] Signing Mac App, Dirk Fauth
  • [cbi-dev] Update on HIPP to JIPP migration status, Frederic Gurr
  • [cbi-dev] Maven release plug-in at, David Green
  • [cbi-dev] Publishing regular Maven artifacts from builds, David Green
  • [cbi-dev] Check out the new CBI Aggregator! Especially Maven producers or consumer., David Williams
  • [cbi-dev] Draft announcement: New Simrel "BuildMaster", Denis Roy
  • [cbi-dev] [aeri] Biweekly Problem Digest for CBI, Error Reports Bot

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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