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jetty-users Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [jetty-users] Having trouble using Embedded Jetty and WebApplicationInitializer with a WarFile deployment, (continued)
  • [jetty-users] https best practices, Marcos Cano
  • [jetty-users] moved resource, Andrew Penhorwood
  • [jetty-users] time out, Oscar Jorge Pérez Pérez
  • [jetty-users] 302 Redirect loop prevents user from reaching login success page, Dunn, Barclay
  • [jetty-users] Configuring virtual host, Arya Farzan
  • [jetty-users] Serving Static Files from Embedded Jetty, Igal @
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 8.1.3 - mod_proxy 2.4.10 and 100-continue, Ramirez, Edwin
  • [jetty-users] Problem serving data with defaultservlet and filter, Malte Neumann
  • [jetty-users] Jetty @ JavaOne, Greg Wilkins
  • [jetty-users] org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.DefaultServlet: "d != java.lang.String" since 9.2.3, Vullhorst, Wolfgang
  • [jetty-users] Reading of HTTP Request Timing Out, Rajiv Bandaru
  • [jetty-users] Jetty opening too many files (same file repeatedly), Rob Nikander
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 9.2.1 and JSP, Andrea Cappelli
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 9.2.3 throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException, Rajiv Bandaru
  • [jetty-users] GIT Repo Changes, Joakim Erdfelt
  • [jetty-users] seeing slow jetty perf on EC2, Seth White
  • [jetty-users] SNI in Jetty 9?, Steve Sobol - Lobos Studios
  • [jetty-users] ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/lib/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist, Swapnil Raverkar
  • [jetty-users] jetty 9.2.3 - @WebListener annotated class in war not being run, Jonathan Albrecht
  • [jetty-users] https, Marcos Cano
  • [jetty-users] Github Hosting of Jetty, Jesse McConnell
  • [jetty-users] Why would Jetty respond slow for some requests, Monish Gandhi
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 9.2.3.v20140905 / 8.1.16.v20140903 / 7.6.16.v20140903 Released!, Jesse McConnell

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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