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Re: [jetty-users] SolrJ/Solr: HTTP protocol violation: Authentication challenge without WWW-Authenticate header

Your best bet would be to do at Greg said and capture the actual request failing on the wire using wireshark or tcpdump, or get a HttpChannel.Listener[1] set up in the server so you can see what is happening there.

Ultimately Jetty-9 is community end of life (a year ago today! [2]), and we are only supporting it for customers of Webtide.  Most of our focus is on getting Jetty-12 out the door, and then we'll reach out to other open-source projects to try and help them get updated.  Once Jetty-12 is released (which has support for both javax and jakartaee namespaces), we will start spinning down support for Jetty-10 and Jetty-11 since Jetty-12 will be able to run everything from Jetty-9, Jetty-10 and Jetty-11 on Java17.




On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 4:04 PM Shawn Heisey <eclipse@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 6/1/23 13:25, Jesse McConnell wrote:
> Friction points between Jetty and Solr on the server side are possible
> or, more likely, an issue with the client.  With Jetty, it is never a
> good idea to double configuration values and see what happens,
> especially regarding HTTP configurations. You can bump header buffer
> sizes easily, but thread counts and pools should only be raised based on
> careful analysis and measurements.

There are only two things I change from whatever SolrJ does by default:
I set it to use http/1.1, and add basic authentication credentials.
This is done with SolrJ methods ... I do not create or access the Jetty
client directly.  No other client settings, including thread counts,
have been touched.

I have asked SolrJ to always send POST requests, so I think the http
header buffer size is unlikely to be the problem.  But maybe I am wrong.

I am using the latest SolrJ - 9.2.1.  This pulls in Jetty Client version
10.0.13.  I have also tried upgrading all the Jetty dependencies to
10.0.15 and there was no change.

At some point Solr is likely upgrading both the Jetty client and server
beyond version 10, but I do not know when that is going to happen.
Should we skip 11 and go straight to 12, if a stable 12 version is
available in time?

I am a committer on the Solr project, but I wasn't involved in creating
new SolrJ clients that use the Jetty client.  Every time I have tried to
mess with upgrading jetty versions, I quickly get into problems that I
cannot solve.

I really suspect that the older 9.4.48 Jetty server is having problems
that have been fixed in later versions ... and that it is possible that
it's a problem created by how Solr uses Jetty.  I don't have the
knowledge required to look deeper into it.  I gathered that debug log
that I included earlier in the thread, but don't know what to look for,
and don't know whether it even has what's needed to troubleshoot.

I do not know how much of Solr's code is generic webapp and how much is
specific to Jetty.  We ditched the notion of a generic .war file or
extracted webapp quite a while back, and only support running Solr in
the included scripting which uses Jetty.

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