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September 24, 2009
02:41 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
02:17 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build has test failures! eric . gwin
September 23, 2009
21:38 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 290342 - Injected emf fails to deploy if already deployed through createEMF Andrei Ilitchev
17:48 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
17:27 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
16:47 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
16:26 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
15:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
15:35 [eclipselink-dev] Logged and fixed Bug 290311 - ReadAllQuery executed instead of ReportQuery Andrei Ilitchev
15:35 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
15:26 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
14:44 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
14:38 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
14:18 [eclipselink-dev] Milestones for 1.2 and 2.0... Status Eric Gwin
14:12 Re: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! Eric Gwin
13:49 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
13:04 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
11:46 [eclipselink-dev] Bug 281884 - PersistenceUnitUtil and ProviderUtil Checked in Tom Ware
09:57 [eclipselink-dev] [RESEND - new time] Review for EclipseLink Dynamic Persistence Mike Norman
06:37 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
06:05 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
03:05 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build has test failures! eric . gwin
02:14 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
02:01 [eclipselink-dev] "table is locked by another user" problem on Symfoware Dies Koper
01:13 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build failed! eric . gwin
September 22, 2009
21:31 [eclipselink-dev] Please review changes to add unit tests for bean validation Mitesh Meswani
20:34 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
19:05 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
18:28 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
18:06 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
17:05 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
16:31 [eclipselink-dev] RE: Review for EclipseLink Dynamic Persistence Douglas Clarke
16:30 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
16:11 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
15:47 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build has test failures! eric . gwin
15:03 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
14:59 [eclipselink-dev] check in fix of bug290065 --- add ant targets in jpa/eclipselink.jpa.test/build.xml to make exisitng JPA tests running against Spring. Yiping Zhao
14:05 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
13:29 [eclipselink-dev] JPA 2.0: PersistenceUnitUtil and ProviderUtil design notes Tom Ware
13:03 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
12:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
10:06 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
09:32 [eclipselink-dev] patch for bug 290065 is ready for review --- add ant targets in jpa/eclipselink.jpa.test/build.xml to make exisitng JPA tests running against Spring. Yiping Zhao
09:25 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
09:17 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
09:07 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk cb build failed! eric . gwin
01:15 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build failed! eric . gwin
September 21, 2009
19:19 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
19:10 Re: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build failed! Eric Gwin
18:52 [eclipselink-dev] Refresh of the 1.2 branch (1.2.0 builds)... Eric Gwin
18:46 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
16:12 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
13:10 [eclipselink-dev] Transaction for Canonical Model Generator Properties Guy Pelletier
09:18 Re: [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! Eric Gwin
04:03 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 nightly build has test failures! eric . gwin
02:09 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build has test failures! eric . gwin
September 19, 2009
19:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
18:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
18:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
17:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
17:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
16:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
16:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
15:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
15:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
14:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
14:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
13:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
13:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
12:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
12:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
11:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
11:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
10:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
10:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
09:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
09:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
08:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
08:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
07:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
07:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
06:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
03:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
02:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 nightly build failed! eric . gwin
01:08 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nightly build failed! eric . gwin
September 18, 2009
20:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
20:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.2 cb build failed! eric . gwin
19:43 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build failed! eric . gwin
16:32 [eclipselink-dev] Review for EclipseLink Dynamic Persistence Mike Norman
15:38 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware
15:28 [eclipselink-dev] Submitted patch for Bug 289894 - Need to merge Oracle proxy authentication tests into the JPA LRG Edwin Tang
11:14 [eclipselink-dev] org.eclipse.persistence.jpa compile issues Tom Ware
10:49 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Canonical Model Generator Properties Douglas Clarke
10:04 RE: [eclipselink-dev] Canonical Model Generator Properties Douglas Clarke
02:16 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Dies Koper
September 17, 2009
15:57 [eclipselink-dev] EntityManager property processing Andrei Ilitchev
15:57 [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: Fix bug 289787 Kevin Yuan
10:23 [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk default build failed! eric . gwin
10:07 Re: [eclipselink-dev] Updated patch for Bug Bug 270843 - Possibledeadlock scenario in SequencingManager Andrei Ilitchev
September 16, 2009
15:46 Re: [eclipselink-dev] questions while running JPA JUnit tests Tom Ware

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