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[eclipselink-dev] Re: minor changes to PersistenceProvider to support custom PersistenceInitializationHelper

With Tom and Andrei's help, I was able to cut-down the patch to affect only 3 files:
PersistenceProvider, PersistenceInitializationHelper and ArchiveFactoryImpl
(see; new attachment obsoletes old attachment).

The issue of how this fits into JPA outside of testing is tabled for later ...

Code reviewed by Tom Ware

Mike Norman

Mike Norman wrote:
A lot of questions ... I'll try to summarize things:

- yes, this is primarily focused on testing, so I don't think users will be installing their own custom PersistenceInitializationHelper's
  (but who knows, it might be useful for them as well)
- no internal API's required, everything is public:
    PersistenceProvider provider = new org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider();
        new DynamicPersistenceInitializationHelper());
    EntityManagerFactory emf = provider.createEntityManagerFactory(
        "someName", getDatabaseProperties());

- there are many examples throughout EclipseLink where - because of the nature of test environments, DB setup, etc - tests are not 'real world'
  It is not always required - or possible - to exactly reproduce 'end user usage'
- I'll leave the issue of "alternate persistence.xml location for all of JPA" for others to answer - I don't know what is/is not allowed by spec or convention

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