Yes, you are correct. Everyone wants to promote themselves. Ganymede
projects are a subset of everyone. Thus Ganymede projects want to
promote themselves... In fact, a large part of my task as EclipseCon
organizer is to explain to various groups why they cannot promote
themselves using scheme X (e.g., spamming all the committers, hanging
posters all over the convention center, leaving CDs around like
garbage, etc.)... So, yes, everyone wants to promote themselves - I
Thus we (the Foundation) must choose what we want to use our various
resources (websites, memory sticks, etc). We've already chosen to
feature the packages on the download page thus it makes sense to
continue that on the memory sticks. As I mentioned, there will be a
complete mirror of inside the convention center on
the hardware AMD is donating. It's fast and it's got all the bits of
all the downloads: Ganymede, non-Ganymede, incubation, mature, and
everything in between.
- Bjorn
Most Ganymede projects/frameworks want to promote themselves with